import numpy as np
from sklearn import cluster
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from .Common import DWConfig, DWutils
[docs]class DWImageClustering:
def __init__(self, bands, bands_keys, invalid_mask, config: DWConfig):
self.config = config
self.data_as_columns = None
self.clusters_labels = None
self.clusters_params = None
self.cluster_matrix = None
self.water_cluster = None
self.water_mask = None
self.best_k = None
self._product_name = None
self.bands, self.bands_keys, self.invalid_mask = self.check_necessary_bands(bands, bands_keys, invalid_mask)
[docs] def check_necessary_bands(self, bands, bands_keys, invalid_mask):
Check if the bands_keys combination for the clustering algorithm are available in bands
and if they all have the same shape
:param invalid_mask: array mask with the invalid pixels
:param bands: image bands available
:param bands_keys: bands combination
:return: bands and bands_keys
if type(bands) is not dict:
raise OSError('Bands not in dictionary format')
# if len(bands) != len(bands_keys):
# raise OSError('Bands and bands_keys have different sizes')
# get the first band as reference of size
ref_band = list(bands.keys())[0]
ref_shape = bands[ref_band].shape
# check the invalid_mask
if invalid_mask is not None and invalid_mask.shape != ref_shape:
raise OSError('Invalid mask and {} with different shape in clustering core'.format(ref_band))
elif invalid_mask is None:
invalid_mask = np.zeros(ref_shape, dtype=bool)
# check if the MNDWI index is necessary and if it exists
if (('mndwi' in DWutils.listify(bands_keys)) or (self.config.clustering_method == 'maxmndwi')) and \
('mndwi' not in bands.keys()):
mndwi, mndwi_mask = DWutils.calc_normalized_difference(bands['Green'], bands['Mir2'], invalid_mask)
invalid_mask |= mndwi_mask
bands.update({'mndwi': mndwi})
# check if the NDWI index exist
if 'ndwi' not in bands.keys():
ndwi, ndwi_mask = DWutils.calc_normalized_difference(bands['Green'], bands['Nir'], invalid_mask)
invalid_mask |= ndwi_mask
bands.update({'ndwi': ndwi})
# todo: check the band for Principal Component Analysis
# check if the list contains the required bands
for band in DWutils.listify(bands_keys):
if band == 'otsu' or band == 'canny':
if band not in bands.keys():
raise OSError('Band {}, not available in the dictionary'.format(band))
if type(bands[band]) is not np.ndarray:
raise OSError('Band {} is not a numpy array'.format(band))
if ref_shape != bands[band].shape:
raise OSError('Bands {} and {} with different size in clustering core'.format(band, ref_band))
return bands, bands_keys, invalid_mask
[docs] def bands_to_columns(self):
Convert self.bands to a column type matrix where each band is a column
It follows the order of the keys ordered
:return: column type matrix
# load all the bands in the dictionary as numpy arrays columns
# the bands will appear in sorted order
# valid_data_list = []
data = None
for key in sorted(self.bands.keys()):
band_array = self.bands[key]
band_as_column = band_array[~self.invalid_mask].reshape(-1, 1)
if (key == 'Mir') or (key == 'Mir2') or (key == 'Nir') or (key == 'Nir2') or (key == 'Green'):
band_as_column = band_as_column * 4
band_as_column[band_as_column > 4] = 4
data = band_as_column if data is None else np.concatenate([data, band_as_column], axis=1)
# valid_data_list.append(band_array[~self.invalid_mask])
# prepare the multidimensional data array (bands as columns)
# data = np.c_[valid_data_list].transpose()
return data
# Clustering related functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def apply_cluster(self, data):
Apply the cluster algorithm to the data. Number of cluster is in self.best_k
:param data: data to be clustered
:return: Vector with the labels
# before calling the clustering function, normalize the data using min_max_scaler
# scaled_data = preprocessing.minmax_scale(data)
if self.config.clustering_method == 'kmeans':
cluster_model = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=self.best_k, init='k-means++')
cluster_model = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=self.best_k, linkage=self.config.linkage)
return cluster_model.labels_
[docs] def find_best_k(self, data):
Find the best number of clusters according to an metrics.
:param data: data to be tested
:return: number of clusters
# # split data for a smaller set (for performance purposes)
# train_data, test_data = getTrainTestDataset(data, train_size, min_train_size=1000)
min_k = self.config.min_clusters
max_k = self.config.max_clusters
if min_k == max_k:
print('Same number for minimum and maximum clusters: k = {}'.format(min_k))
self.best_k = min_k
return self.best_k
if self.config.score_index == 'silhouette':
print('Selection of best number of clusters using Silhouete Index:')
print('Selection of best number of clusters using Calinski-Harabasz Index:')
computed_metrics = []
for num_k in range(min_k, max_k + 1):
# cluster_model = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=num_k, init='k-means++')
cluster_model = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=num_k, linkage=self.config.linkage)
labels = cluster_model.fit_predict(data)
if self.config.score_index == 'silhouette':
computed_metrics.append(metrics.silhouette_score(data, labels))
print('k={} :Silhouete index={}'.format(num_k, computed_metrics[num_k - min_k]))
computed_metrics.append(metrics.calinski_harabasz_score(data, labels))
print('k={} :Calinski_harabaz index={}'.format(num_k, computed_metrics[num_k - min_k]))
# the best solution is the one with higher index
self.best_k = computed_metrics.index(max(computed_metrics)) + min_k
return self.best_k
[docs] def calc_clusters_params(self, data, clusters_labels):
Calculate parameters for each encountered cluster.
Mean, Variance, Std-dev
:param data: Clustered data
:param clusters_labels: Labels for the data
:return: List with cluster statistics
clusters_params = []
for label_i in range(self.best_k):
# first slice the values in the indexed cluster
cluster_i = data[clusters_labels == label_i, :]
cluster_param = {'clusterid': label_i}
cluster_param.update({'mean': np.mean(cluster_i, 0)})
cluster_param.update({'variance': np.var(cluster_i, 0)})
cluster_param.update({'stdev': np.std(cluster_i, 0)})
cluster_param.update({'diffb2b1': cluster_param['mean'][1] - cluster_param['mean'][0]})
cluster_param.update({'pixels': cluster_i.shape[0]})
return clusters_params
[docs] def identify_water_cluster(self):
Finds the water cluster within all the clusters.
It can be done using MNDWI, MBWI or Mir2 bands
:return: water cluster object
if self.config.detect_water_cluster == 'maxmndwi':
if 'mndwi' not in self.bands.keys():
raise OSError('MNDWI band necessary for detecting water with maxmndwi option')
water_cluster = self.detect_cluster('value', 'max', 'mndwi')
elif self.config.detect_water_cluster == 'maxmbwi':
if 'mbwi' not in self.bands.keys():
raise OSError('MBWI band necessary for detecting water with maxmbwi option')
water_cluster = self.detect_cluster('value', 'max', 'mbwi')
elif self.config.detect_water_cluster == 'minmir2':
if 'mndwi' not in self.bands.keys():
raise OSError('Mir2 band necessary for detecting water with minmir2 option')
water_cluster = self.detect_cluster('value', 'min', 'Mir2')
elif self.config.detect_water_cluster == 'maxndwi':
if 'ndwi' not in self.bands.keys():
raise OSError('NDWI band necessary for detecting water with minmir2 option')
water_cluster = self.detect_cluster('value', 'max', 'ndwi')
raise OSError('Method {} for detecting water cluster does not exist'.
return water_cluster
[docs] def detect_cluster(self, param, logic, band1, band2=None):
Detects a cluster according to a specific metrics
:param param: Which parameter to search (mean, std-dev, variance, ...)
:param logic: Max or Min
:param band1: The band related to the parameter
:param band2:
:return: Cluster object that satisfies the logic
# get the bands available in the columns
available_bands = sorted(self.bands.keys())
param_list = []
if band1:
idx_band1 = available_bands.index(band1)
if band2:
idx_band2 = available_bands.index(band2)
# todo: fix the fixed values
for clt in self.clusters_params:
if param == 'diff':
if not idx_band2:
raise OSError('Two bands needed for diff method')
param_list.append(clt['mean'][idx_band1] - clt['mean'][idx_band2])
elif param == 'value':
if clt['pixels'] > 5: # and (clt['mean'][available_bands.index('Mir2')] < 0.25*4):
if logic == 'max':
idx_detected = param_list.index(max(param_list))
idx_detected = param_list.index(min(param_list))
return self.clusters_params[idx_detected]
# Classification functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def supervised_classification(self, data, train_data, clusters_labels):
Applies a machine learning supervised classification
:param data: new data to be classified
:param train_data: reference data
:param clusters_labels: labels for the reference data
:return: labels for the new data
return self.apply_naive_bayes(data, clusters_labels, train_data)
[docs] @staticmethod
def apply_naive_bayes(data, clusters_labels, clusters_data):
Apply Naive Bayes classifier to classify data
:param data: new data to be classified
:param clusters_labels: labels for the reference data
:param clusters_data: reference data
:return: labels for the new data
# train a NB classifier with the data and labels provided
model = GaussianNB()
print('Applying clusters based naive bayes classifier')
# print('Cross_val_score:{}'.format(cross_val_score(model, clusters_data, clusters_labels))), clusters_labels)
# return the new predicted labels for the whole dataset
return model.predict(data)
[docs] def get_cluster_param(self, clusters_params, k, param, band):
index = sorted(self.bands.keys()).index(band)
value = clusters_params[k][param][index]
return value
[docs] def create_matrice_cluster(self, indices_array):
Recreates the matrix with the original shape with the cluster labels for each pixel
:param indices_array: position of the clustered pixels in the matrix
:return: clustered image (0-no data, 1-water, 2, 3, ... - other)
# todo: treat no_data value of -9999
# create an empty matrix
matrice_cluster = np.zeros_like(list(self.bands.values())[0])
# apply water pixels to value 1
matrice_cluster[indices_array[0][self.clusters_labels == self.water_cluster['clusterid']],
indices_array[1][self.clusters_labels == self.water_cluster['clusterid']]] = 1
print('Assgnin 1 to cluster_id {}'.format(self.water_cluster['clusterid']))
# loop through the remaining labels and apply value >= 3
new_label = 2
for label_i in range(self.best_k):
if label_i != self.water_cluster['clusterid']:
# if self.verify_cluster(self.clusters_params, label_i) == 'water':
# matrice_cluster[indices_array[0][self.clusters_labels == label_i],
# indices_array[1][self.clusters_labels == label_i]] = 1
# print('Cluster {} = water'.format(label_i))
# else:
# matrice_cluster[indices_array[0][self.clusters_labels == label_i],
# indices_array[1][self.clusters_labels == label_i]] = new_label
# print('Cluster {} receiving label {}'.format(label_i, new_label))
matrice_cluster[indices_array[0][self.clusters_labels == label_i],
indices_array[1][self.clusters_labels == label_i]] = new_label
new_label += 1
print('Skipping cluster_id {}'.format(label_i))
return matrice_cluster
# Other utility functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def split_data_by_bands(self, data, selected_keys):
Gets data in column format (each band is a column) and returns only the desired bands
:param data: data in column format
:param selected_keys: bands keys to be extracted
:return: data in column format only with the selected bands
bands_index = []
bands_keys = list(sorted(self.bands.keys()))
for key in selected_keys:
return data[:, bands_index]
[docs] def apply_canny_treshold(self):
from skimage import feature, morphology
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
canny_band = self.bands_keys[1]
condition = True
correction = 0
while condition:
edges = feature.canny(self.bands[canny_band], sigma=2, use_quantiles=True, low_threshold=0.98 - correction,
high_threshold=(0.999 - correction), mask=~self.invalid_mask)
# mask= (im != 0))
condition = (np.count_nonzero(edges) < 10000)
print('Correction: ', correction)
print("Canny edges pixels: ", np.count_nonzero(edges))
correction = correction + 0.004
if correction > 1:
raise Exception
dilated_edges = morphology.binary_dilation(edges, selem=morphology.square(5))
img = self.bands[canny_band]
threshold = threshold_otsu(img[dilated_edges & (img != -9999)])
print('Canny threshold on {} band = {}'.format(canny_band, threshold))
# create an empty matrix
matrice_cluster = np.zeros_like(list(self.bands.values())[0])
matrice_cluster[self.bands[canny_band] >= threshold] = 1
return matrice_cluster
[docs] def apply_otsu_treshold(self):
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
self.data_as_columns = self.bands_to_columns()
# train_data_as_columns = self.separate_high_low_mndwi()
otsu_band = self.bands_keys[1]
otsu_band_index = self.index_of_key(otsu_band)
# otsu_data = train_data_as_columns[:, otsu_band_index]
otsu_data = self.data_as_columns[:, otsu_band_index]
threshold = threshold_otsu(otsu_data)
print('OTSU threshold on {} band = {}'.format(otsu_band, threshold))
# create an empty matrix
matrice_cluster = np.zeros_like(list(self.bands.values())[0])
matrice_cluster[self.bands[otsu_band] >= threshold] = 1
return matrice_cluster
# MAIN run_detect_water function
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def run_detect_water(self, config=None):
Runs the detect_water function
:param config: Options dictionary for the processing
:return: clustered matrix where 1= water
# if passed options, override the existing options
self.config = config if type(config) == DWConfig else self.config
if self.bands_keys[0] == 'otsu':
self.cluster_matrix = self.apply_otsu_treshold()
elif self.bands_keys[0] == 'canny':
self.cluster_matrix = self.apply_canny_treshold()
elif self.config.average_results:
self.cluster_matrix = None
# loop through the bands combinations
for band_combination in self.config.clustering_bands:
self.bands_keys = band_combination
if self.cluster_matrix is None:
self.cluster_matrix = np.where(self.apply_clustering() == 1, 1, 0)
new_cluster_result = np.where(self.apply_clustering() == 1, 1, 0)
self.cluster_matrix += new_cluster_result
self.cluster_matrix = np.where(self.cluster_matrix >= self.config.min_positive_pixels, 1, 0)
self.cluster_matrix = self.apply_clustering()
# self.water_mask = self.cluster_matrix == 1
self.water_mask = np.where(self.cluster_matrix == 1, 1, np.where(self.invalid_mask == 1, 255, 0))
return self.cluster_matrix
[docs] def index_of_key(self, key):
keys = sorted(self.bands.keys())
return keys.index(key)
[docs] def apply_clustering(self):
# Transform the rasters in a matrix where each band is a column
self.data_as_columns = self.bands_to_columns()
# two line vectors indicating the indexes (line, column) of valid pixels
ind_data = np.where(~self.invalid_mask)
# if algorithm is not kmeans, split data for a smaller set (for performance purposes)
if self.config.clustering_method == 'kmeans':
train_data_as_columns = self.data_as_columns
# original train data keeps all the bands
# train_data_as_columns = self.separate_high_low_mndwi()
train_data_as_columns, _ = DWutils.get_train_test_data(self.data_as_columns,
# create data bunch only with the bands used for clustering
split_train_data_as_columns = self.split_data_by_bands(train_data_as_columns, self.bands_keys)
split_data_as_columns = self.split_data_by_bands(self.data_as_columns, self.bands_keys)
# find the best clustering solution (k = number of clusters)
self.best_k = self.find_best_k(split_train_data_as_columns)
# apply the clusterization algorithm and return labels and train dataset
train_clusters_labels = self.apply_cluster(split_train_data_as_columns)
# calc statistics for each cluster
self.clusters_params = self.calc_clusters_params(train_data_as_columns, train_clusters_labels)
# detect the water cluster
self.water_cluster = self.identify_water_cluster()
# if we are dealing with aglomerative cluster or other diff from kmeans, we have only a sample of labels
# we need to recreate labels for all the points using supervised classification
if self.config.clustering_method != 'kmeans':
self.clusters_labels = self.supervised_classification(split_data_as_columns,
self.clusters_labels = train_clusters_labels
# after obtaining the final labels, clip bands with superior limit
for band, value in zip(self.config.clip_band, self.config.clip_sup_value):
if value is not None:
self.clusters_labels[(self.clusters_labels == self.water_cluster['clusterid']) &
(self.bands[band][~self.invalid_mask] > value)] = -1
# after obtaining the final labels, clip bands with inferior limit
for band, value in zip(self.config.clip_band, self.config.clip_inf_value):
if value is not None:
self.clusters_labels[(self.clusters_labels == self.water_cluster['clusterid']) &
(self.bands[band][~self.invalid_mask] < value)] = -1
# create an cluster array based on the cluster result (water will be value 1)
return self.create_matrice_cluster(ind_data)