Source code for sisppeo.readers.GRS

# Copyright 2020 Arthur Coqué, Pôle OFB-INRAE ECLA, UR RECOVER
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This module contains a reader for GRS products.

This reader is dedicated to extract data from S2_GRS, L4_GRS, L5_GRS, L7_GRS
and L8_GRS products.


    reader = GRSReader(**config)
    extracted_dataset = reader.dataset

from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from affine import Affine
from pyproj import CRS
from tqdm import tqdm

from sisppeo.readers.reader import Reader, Inputs
from sisppeo.utils.exceptions import GeometryError

GRSInputs = namedtuple('GRSInputs',
                       Inputs._fields + ('product_type', 'flags', 'grs_bands'))

names_dict_l8 = {'B1': 'coastal_aerosol',
                 'B2': 'blue',
                 'B3': 'green',
                 'B4': 'red',
                 'B5': 'near_infrared',
                 'B6': 'swir_1',
                 'B7': 'swir_2'}

names_dict_l457 = {'B1': 'radiance_1',
                   'B2': 'radiance_2',
                   'B3': 'radiance_3',
                   'B4': 'radiance_4',
                   'B5': 'radiance_5',
                   'B7': 'radiance_7'}

[docs]class GRSReader(Reader): """A reader dedicated to extract data from both S2_GRS, L4_GRS, L5_GRS, L7_GRS and L8_GRS products. Attributes: dataset: A dataset containing extracted data. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # Six is reasonable in this case.
[docs] def __init__(self, input_product: Path, product_type: str, requested_bands: List[str], geom: Optional[dict] = None, glint_corrected: bool = True, flags: bool = False, **_ignored) -> None: """See base class. Args: glint_corrected: A boolean that tells the reader to extract bands with sunglint (False) or the ones corrected from sunglint (True). flags: A boolean telling the reader whether or not to use a GRS mask named "flags" (="Flags for aquatic color purposes"), useful for extracting water surfaces. """ super().__init__(input_product, requested_bands, geom) self._inputs = GRSInputs(*self._inputs, product_type, flags, 'Rrs' if glint_corrected else 'Rrs_g') self._res = 20 if 'S2' in product_type else 30
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals # More readable if geotransform is defined.
[docs] def extract_bands(self) -> None: """See base class.""" # Load data dataset = xr.open_dataset(self._inputs.input_product) # Load metadata metadata = {'attrs': dataset.attrs, 'tags': dataset.metadata.attrs} # Load geotransform and get image boundaries i2m = [float(_) for _ in',')] geotransform = (i2m[4], i2m[0], i2m[1], i2m[5], i2m[2], i2m[3]) fwd = Affine.from_gdal(*geotransform) x0, y0 = float(i2m[4]), float(i2m[5]) x1, y1 = fwd * (dataset.x.values[-1] + 1, dataset.y.values[-1] + 1) xy_bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1] # Store the CRS self._intermediate_data['crs'] = CRS.from_wkt( # Get ROI and read data data = {} ij_bbox = self._extract_ROI(xy_bbox, len(dataset.x), len(dataset.y)) for band in tqdm(self._inputs.requested_bands, unit='bands'): if 'S2' in self._inputs.product_type: _band = band elif 'L8' in self._inputs.product_type: _band = names_dict_l8[band] else: _band = names_dict_l457[band] band_name = f'{self._inputs.grs_bands}_{_band}' band_array = _extract_band(dataset, band_name, ij_bbox) data[band] = band_array.reshape(1, *band_array.shape) print('') # Mask data if self._inputs.flags: mask = _extract_band(dataset, 'flags', ij_bbox) for band in data: data[band] = np.where(mask == 0, data[band], np.nan) # Compute projected coordinates self._compute_proj_coords(fwd, ij_bbox) dataset.close() # Store outputs self._intermediate_data['data'] = data self._intermediate_data['metadata'] = metadata
[docs] def create_ds(self) -> None: """See base class.""" # Create the dataset ds = xr.Dataset( {key: (['time', 'y', 'x'], val) for key, val in self._intermediate_data['data'].items()}, coords={ 'time': [datetime.strptime( self._intermediate_data['metadata']['attrs']['start_date'], '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f')], 'x': ('x', self._intermediate_data['x']), 'y': ('y', self._intermediate_data['y']) } ) crs = self._intermediate_data['crs'] # Set up coordinate variables ds.x.attrs['axis'] = 'X' ds.x.attrs['long_name'] = f'x-coordinate ({})' ds.x.attrs['standard_name'] = "projection_x_coordinate" ds.x.attrs['units'] = 'm' ds.y.attrs['axis'] = 'Y' ds.y.attrs['long_name'] = f'y-coordinate ({})' ds.y.attrs['standard_name'] = "projection_y_coordinate" ds.y.attrs['units'] = 'm' ds.time.attrs['axis'] = 'T' ds.time.attrs['long_name'] = 'time' # Set up the 'grid mapping variable' ds['crs'] = xr.DataArray(name='crs', attrs=crs.to_cf()) # Store metadata ds['product_metadata'] = xr.DataArray() for key, val in self._intermediate_data['metadata']['tags'].items(): ds.product_metadata.attrs[key] = val ds.attrs['data_type'] = 'rrs' ds.attrs['grs_bands'] = self._inputs.grs_bands if self._inputs.flags: ds.attrs['suppl_masks'] = 'GRS_flags' self.dataset = ds
# pylint: disable=invalid-name # ROI is a common abbreviation for a Region Of Interest. def _extract_ROI(self, xy_bbox, nx, ny): if self._inputs.ROI is not None: self._reproject_geom() x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = self._intermediate_data['geom'].bounds x0, y0, x1, y1 = xy_bbox if (x_max < x0 or y_min > y0) or (x_min > x1 or y_max < y1): raise GeometryError('Wanted ROI is outside the input product') row_start = 0 if y_max > y0 else int(np.floor((y0 - y_max) / self._res)) col_start = 0 if x_min < x0 else int(np.floor((x_min - x0) / self._res)) row_stop = ny - 1 if y_min < y1 else int( np.floor((y0 - y_min) / self._res)) col_stop = nx - 1 if x_max > x1 else int( np.floor((x_max - x0) / self._res)) else: row_start, col_start = 0, 0 row_stop, col_stop = ny - 1, nx - 1 return row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop def _compute_proj_coords(self, fwd, ij_bbox): row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop = ij_bbox x_start, y_start = fwd * (col_start, row_start) x_stop, y_stop = fwd * (col_stop + 1, row_stop + 1) x = np.arange(x_start + self._res / 2, x_stop - 1, self._res) y = np.arange(y_start - self._res / 2, y_stop + 1, -self._res) self._intermediate_data['x'] = x self._intermediate_data['y'] = y
def _extract_band(dataset, band, ij_bbox): row_start, col_start, row_stop, col_stop = ij_bbox band_array = dataset[band].values[row_start:row_stop + 1, col_start:col_stop + 1] return band_array