Source code for sisppeo.utils.naming

# Copyright 2020 Arthur Coqué, Pôle OFB-INRAE ECLA, UR RECOVER
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Contains various useful functions used for naming products."""

import io
import tarfile

import fiona
from shapely.geometry import shape

from sisppeo.utils.exceptions import InputError

product_type_to_source = {
    'L8_USGS_L1C1': 'USGS-C1',
    'L8_USGS_L2': 'LaSRC',
    'S2_ESA_L1C': 'ESA',
    'S2_ESA_L2A': 'Sen2Cor',
    'L8_GRS': 'GRS',
    'S2_GRS': 'GRS',
    'S2_THEIA': 'MAIA',
    'S2_C2RCC': 'C2RCC'

mask_types = {
    's2cloudless': 'cloudmask',
    'waterdetect': 'watermask'

masks_to_args = {
    'watermask': 'wm',
    'cloudmask': 'cm',
    'suppl_masks': 'sm',
    'masks': 'm'

algoparams_to_args = {
    'band': 'band',
    'calibration': 'calib',
    'design': 'design'

[docs]def topleftlatlon_from_wkt(wkt_string): """Returns the (lat, lon) of the top-left point of a WKT string.""" wkt_type = wkt_string.split('(', 1)[0].rstrip(' ') coord_string = wkt_string.lstrip(wkt_type + ' (') if wkt_type not in ('POINT', 'LINESTRING', 'POLYGON', 'MULTIPOINT', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTIPOLYGON'): raise InputError('Invalid WKT') if wkt_type == 'POINT': topleftlatlon = [round(float(_), 5) for _ in coord_string.rstrip(')').split(' ')] elif wkt_type == 'MULTIPOINT': topleftlatlon = [round(float(_.rstrip(')')), 5) for _ in coord_string.split(',', 1)[0].split(' ')] else: topleftlatlon = [round(float(_), 5) for _ in coord_string.split(',', 1)[0].split(' ')] if len(topleftlatlon) == 3: topleftlatlon = topleftlatlon[:2] return str(topleftlatlon).replace(' ', '')
[docs]def geom_to_str(geom_dict): """Returns the (lat, lon) of top-left point of a geometry.""" if (geom := geom_dict.get('geom')) is not None: wkt_str = geom.to_wkt() elif (wkt_file := geom_dict.get('wkt')) is not None: with open(wkt_file, 'r') as f: wkt_str = f.readlines()[0] elif (shp_file := geom_dict.get('shp')) is not None: with as collection: geom = shape(collection[0]['geometry']) wkt_str = geom.to_wkt() else: raise InputError('wrong geom') return topleftlatlon_from_wkt(wkt_str)
[docs]def generate_l3_filename(l3prod, code_image, source, roi): """Returns a filename for a L3 product based on the provided arguments.""" algo = l3prod.title.split(' ', 1)[0] if algo in mask_types: algo = f'{mask_types[algo]}-{algo}' var = l3prod.data_vars[0] bands = (l3prod.dataset.attrs.get('grs_bands', '') + l3prod.dataset.attrs.get('theia_bands', '')) if bands: bands = f'-bands={bands}' algoparams = [] for algoparam in algoparams_to_args: if algoparam in l3prod.dataset[var].attrs: algoparams.append(f'{algoparams_to_args[algoparam]}=' + l3prod.dataset[var].attrs[algoparam]) if algoparams: algoparams = f'-{"-".join(algoparams)}' else: algoparams = '' maskparams = l3prod.dataset[var].attrs.get('processing_resolution', '') if maskparams: maskparams = f'-proc_res={maskparams}' params = f'_params{bands}-res={l3prod.res}m{algoparams}{maskparams}' masks = [] for mask in masks_to_args: if mask in l3prod.dataset.attrs: masks.append(f'{masks_to_args[mask]}' + l3prod.dataset.attrs[mask].split(" ")[0]) if masks: masks = f'_masks-{"-".join(masks)}' else: masks = '' filename = f'{code_image}_{source}_{roi}_{algo}{params}{masks}.nc' return filename
[docs]def generate_ts_filename(ts, sat, source, roi): """Returns a filename for time series based on the provided arguments.""" var = ts.data_vars[0] n = len(ts.dataset.time) start_date ='-', '') end_date ='-', '') algo = ts.title.split(' ', 1)[0] algoparams = [] for algoparam in algoparams_to_args: if algoparam in ts.dataset[var].attrs: algoparams.append(f'{algoparams_to_args[algoparam]}=' + ts.dataset[var].attrs[algoparam]) if algoparams: algoparams = f'-{"-".join(algoparams)}' else: algoparams = '' maskparams = ts.dataset[var].attrs.get('processing_resolution', '') if maskparams: maskparams = f'-proc_res={maskparams}' params = f'_params-res={ts.res}m{algoparams}{maskparams}' masks = [] for mask in masks_to_args: if mask in ts.dataset.attrs: masks.append(f'{masks_to_args[mask]}={ts.dataset.attrs[mask]}') if masks: masks = f'_masks-{"-".join(masks)}' else: masks = '' filename = f'{sat}_{source}_{roi}_{algo}_{n}_{start_date}_{end_date}{params}{masks}.nc' return filename
[docs]def extract_info_from_input_product(input_product, product_type, code_site=None, geom=None): """Extracts some information from the given input product.""" if 'GRS' in product_type: code_image ='_')[0] if product_type == 'S2_GRS': sat = 'S2' else: # product_type == 'L8_GRS' sat = 'LC8' tile = code_image[3:8] elif product_type == 'L8_USGS_L1C1': if input_product.suffix in ('.tgz', '.gz'): with as archive: tmp = str([_ for _ in archive.getnames() if _.endswith('MTL.txt')][0]).split('_') else: tmp = str(list(input_product.glob('*MTL.txt'))[0]).split('_') code_image = f'LC8{tmp[2]}{tmp[3]}' sat = 'LC8' tile = tmp[2] elif product_type == 'L8_USGS_L2': if input_product.suffix == '.gz': with as archive: path = [_ for _ in archive.getnames() if _.endswith('MTL.txt')][0] with io.TextIOWrapper(archive.extractfile(path)) as f: lines = f.readlines() else: path = list(input_product.glob('*MTL.txt'))[0] with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() landsat_scene_id = lines[4].lstrip(' ').rstrip('\n').replace( '"', '').split(' = ')[1] date_acquired = lines[20].lstrip(' ').rstrip('\n').replace( '"', '').split(' = ')[1].replace("-", "") code_image = f'LC8{landsat_scene_id[3:9]}{date_acquired}' sat = 'LC8' tile = landsat_scene_id[3:9] elif 'S2_ESA' in product_type or product_type == 'S2_C2RCC': tmp ='_') code_image = f'{tmp[0]}{tmp[5][1:]}{tmp[2][:8]}' sat = 'S2' tile = tmp[5][1:] elif product_type == 'S2_THEIA': tmp ='_') code_image = f'S{tmp[0][-2:]}{tmp[3][1:]}{tmp[1][:8]}' sat = 'S2' tile = tmp[3][1:] else: raise NameError('unknown product_type') source = product_type_to_source[product_type] if code_site is None and geom is None: roi = tile elif code_site is not None: roi = code_site else: roi = geom_to_str(geom) return code_image, sat, source, roi