Configuration settings¶
Configuration settings¶
Here is the list of all files that may be subject to adjustment of certain parameters according to the needs of the instance site.
This file defines the connection parameters to the Mongo database. Knowing that this database is only accessible internally, in principle they do not need to be changed.
Note: These settings must be the same as defined in dockerdbpart/initialisation/setupdb-js.template
Parameter | Description | Default value |
dbserver | Name of the MongoDB server | mmdt-db |
database | Name of the MongoDB database | pgd-db |
dbport | Port of the MongoDB server | 27017 |
username | Username of the Mongo database pgd-db with Read/Write access | userw-pgd |
password | Password corresponding to the username of the Mongo DB pgd-db | wwwww |
This file defines the connection parameters to the Mongo database. Knowing that this database is only accessible internally, in principle they do not need to be changed.
Note: These settings must be the same as defined in dockerdbpart/initialisation/setupdb-js.template
Parameter | Description | Default value |
docker_mode | Indicates whether the installation involves using docker containers. In this case, the Mongo DB IP address will be different from | 1 |
uritarget | the Mongo DB IP address | mmdt-db (docker_mode=1) or (docker_mode=0) |
database | Name of the MongoDB database | pgd-db |
collection | Name of the MongoDB collection | metadata |
port | Port of the MongoDB server | 27017 |
username | Username of the Mongo database pgd-db with Read access only | userr-pgd |
password | Password corresponding to the username of the Mongo DB pgd-db | rrrrr |
This file defines parameters related to i) the web interface, ii) the functionalities allowed for users. Only the parameters that could be useful to be changed for the needs of an instance are described here.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
EXTERN | Indicates if the use of the tool is only for external use, i.e. without using a storage space. | 0 |
PRIVATE_ACCESS | Gives the possibility of managing private access to metadata | 0 |
ZOOMWP | Zoom level regarding the web interface. By reducing the size slightly, you get a better layout. | 90% |
RESMEDIA | Gives the possibility of putting a MINE type on each resource in the metadata. | 1 |
TITLE | Title to display in main banner | Metadata management |
FILEBROWSER | Indicates whether the file browser is used. This assumes it is installed. | 0 |
URL_FILEBROWSER | File browser URL. It can be absolute or relative. | /fb/ |
APPNAME | Name given in the URL to access the web interface. | maggot |
dataverse_urls | Array of Dataverse repository URLs where you can upload metadata and data | - |
zenodo_urls | Array of Zenodo repository URLs where you can upload metadata and data | - |
SERVER_URL | Default Dataverse repository URL | |
ZENODO_SERVER_URL | Default Zenodo repository URL | |
export_dataverse | Indicates whether the Dataverse feature is enabled | 1 |
export_zenodo | Indicates whether the Zenodo feature is enabled | 1 |
export_jsonld | Indicates whether the JSON-LD feature is enabled | 1 |
export_oai | Indicates whether the OAI-PMH feature is enabled | 0 |
export_bloxberg | Indicates whether the Bloxberg Blockchain feature is enabled (Experimental) | 0 |
cvdir | Relative path of the Control Vocabulary Listes (cvlist) | cvlist/ |
maggot_fulltitle | Maggot name of the field corresponding to the title in dataverse/zenodo | fulltitle |
auth_senddata_file | Name of the file that must be present in the data directory to authorize the transfer of the data file | META_datafile_ok.txt |
private_auth_file | Name of the private access file | META_auth.txt |
sendMail | Configuring messaging for sending metadata to data managers (see below) | NULL |
The messaging configuration is done using the following array in the inc/config/ file (or more judiciously in inc/config/ in order to be preserved during an update) - To understand how it works see Send Emails using PHPmailer
$sendMail['smtpHost'] = ''; // Set the SMTP server to send through
$sendMail['smtpSecure'] = 'tls'; // Enable TLS encryption
$sendMail['smtpPort'] = 587; // Set the TCP port to connect to
$sendMail['CheckEmail'] = ''; // Email address authorized to send emails
$sendMail['CheckPass'] = 'password'; // The corresponding password
$sendMail['CheckName'] = 'Maggot'; // Alias name
$sendMail['UserEmail'] = ''; // Email of data managers, separated by a comma
This file contains the essential parameters to be set before any use.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
WEB_PORT | Local HTTP Port for web application | 8087 |
DATADIR | Path to the data | /opt/data/ |
DB_IMAGE | Docker image name of the MongoDB | pgd-mmdt-db |
SCAN_IMAGE | Docker image name of the Scan process | pgd-mmdt-scan |
WEB_IMAGE | Docker image name of the Web interface | pgd-mmdt-web |
DB_CONTAINER | Docker container name of the MongoDB | mmdt-db |
SCAN_CONTAINER | Docker container name of the Scan process | mmdt-scan |
WEB_CONTAINER | Docker container name of the Web interface | mmdt-web |
MONGO_VOL | Volume name for MongoDB | mmdt-mongodb |
MONGO_PORT | HTTP Port for MongoDB | 27017 |
USER | Admin user in the htpasswd file | admin |