Select portion of a reach between two chainages
This function is used by split_reach for selecting sections of each reach.
- reach
A ReachTxt object
- x_limits
2-length numeric, min and max chainage
# Create a 10km long trapezoidal uniform reach
profT <- list(
B = 2,
S = (6 - 2) / 2 / 2,
ZF = 100,
ZB = 100 + 2
min_reach <- create_uniform_reach_txt(abscissas = seq(0, 10000, 100),
upstream_bed_elevation = 10 + 2000 * 0.002,
slope = 0.002,
section_type = "T",
profile = profT)
# Extract sections between chainage 2000 m and 4000 m
sel_reach <- extract_reach(min_reach, c(2000, 4000))