getNodeProperties returns properties of a single node, and

getNodeProperties(id, griwrm)




character Id of the node in the GRiwrm object


[GRiwrm object] describing the network of the semi-distributed model (See CreateGRiwrm)


getNodeProperties returns a list with the following items:

  • "position" (character): Position of the node in the network ("Upstream" or "Intermediate")

  • "DirectInjection" (logical): is the node a Direct Injection node?

  • "Diversion" (logical): is the node a Diversion node?

  • "Reservoir" (logical): is the node a Reservoir?

  • "airGR" (logical): is the node contains an airGR model?

  • "calibration" (character): describe if the node is a "Gauged", or an "Ungauged" station, (see details), or "NA" otherwise

  • "Upstream" (logical): is the node an upstream node?

  • "RunOff" (logical): is the node contains an hydrological model?

getAllNodesProperties returns a data.frame constituted from the list returned by getNodeProperties for all nodes.


A "Gauged" node is either a node containing a model that is already calibrated (parameters are already fixed) or a node containing a model where observations are available for calibration.

A "Ungauged" node is a node containing a model which derives its parameters from another "donor" node.

See also


# Severn network with :                                                       #
# - a Diversion on the node "54001" which transfer flows to the node "540029" #
# - node 54002 as a Direct Injection node                                     #
nodes <- Severn$BasinsInfo
nodes$model <- "RunModel_GR4J"
#> 'data.frame':	6 obs. of  13 variables:
#>  $ gauge_id           : chr  "54057" "54032" "54001" "54095" ...
#>  $ gauge_name         : chr  "Severn at Haw Bridge" "Severn at Saxons Lode" "Severn at Bewdley" "Severn at Buildwas" ...
#>  $ gauge_lat          : num  52 52 52.4 52.6 52.1 ...
#>  $ gauge_lon          : num  -2.23 -2.2 -2.32 -2.53 -1.94 -2.39
#>  $ area               : num  9885 6865 4330 3723 2208 ...
#>  $ elev_mean          : int  145 170 175 186 99 212
#>  $ station_type       : chr  "VA" "US" "US" "US" ...
#>  $ flow_period_start  : chr  "1971-07-01" "1970-10-01" "1970-10-01" "1984-03-01" ...
#>  $ flow_period_end    : chr  "2015-09-30" "2015-09-30" "2015-09-30" "2015-09-30" ...
#>  $ bankfull_flow      : num  460 340 420 285 125 190
#>  $ downstream_id      : chr  NA "54057" "54032" "54001" ...
#>  $ distance_downstream: num  NA 15 45 42 43 32
#>  $ model              : chr  "RunModel_GR4J" "RunModel_GR4J" "RunModel_GR4J" "RunModel_GR4J" ...
nodes <- nodes[, c("gauge_id", "downstream_id", "distance_downstream", "model", "area")]
# Add a Diversion node from node "54001" to "54029"
nodes <- rbind(nodes,
                 gauge_id = "54001",
                 downstream_id = "54029",
                 distance_downstream = 20,
                 model = "Diversion",
                 area = NA
# Set node '54002' as a Direct Injection node
nodes$model[nodes$id == "54002"] <- NA
# Mismatch column names are renamed to stick with GRiwrm requirements
rename_columns <- list(id = "gauge_id",
                       down = "downstream_id",
                       length = "distance_downstream")
# Create GRiwrm object and display properties
griwrm <- CreateGRiwrm(nodes, rename_columns)

str(getNodeProperties("54001", griwrm))
#> List of 9
#>  $ position       : chr "Intermediate"
#>  $ DirectInjection: logi FALSE
#>  $ Diversion      : logi TRUE
#>  $ Reservoir      : logi FALSE
#>  $ airGR          : logi TRUE
#>  $ gauged         : logi TRUE
#>  $ calibration    : chr "Gauged"
#>  $ Upstream       : logi FALSE
#>  $ RunOff         : logi TRUE

#>          id     position DirectInjection Diversion Reservoir airGR gauged
#> 54095 54095     Upstream           FALSE     FALSE     FALSE  TRUE   TRUE
#> 54002 54002     Upstream           FALSE     FALSE     FALSE  TRUE   TRUE
#> 54001 54001 Intermediate           FALSE      TRUE     FALSE  TRUE   TRUE
#> 54029 54029 Intermediate           FALSE     FALSE     FALSE  TRUE   TRUE
#> 54032 54032 Intermediate           FALSE     FALSE     FALSE  TRUE   TRUE
#> 54057 54057 Intermediate           FALSE     FALSE     FALSE  TRUE   TRUE
#>       calibration Upstream RunOff
#> 54095      Gauged     TRUE   TRUE
#> 54002      Gauged     TRUE   TRUE
#> 54001      Gauged    FALSE   TRUE
#> 54029      Gauged    FALSE   TRUE
#> 54032      Gauged    FALSE   TRUE
#> 54057      Gauged    FALSE   TRUE