Plot of a diagram representing the network structure of a GRiwrm object

# S3 method for class 'GRiwrm'
  display = TRUE,
  orientation = "LR",
  with_donors = TRUE,
  box_colors = c(UpstreamUngauged = "#eef", UpstreamGauged = "#aaf", IntermediateUngauged
    = "#efe", IntermediateGauged = "#afa", Reservoir = "#9de", DirectInjection = "#faa"),
  defaultClassDef = "stroke:#333",
  header = "%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral'} }%%",
  footer = NULL,



[GRiwrm object] data to display. See CreateGRiwrm for details


logical if TRUE plots the diagram, returns the mermaid code otherwise


character orientation of the graph. Possible values are "LR" (left-right), "RL" (right-left), "TB" (top-bottom), or "BT" (bottom-top).


logical for drawing boxes around ungauged nodes and their donors


list containing the color used for the different types of nodes


character default style apply to all boxes


mermaid script to add before the generated script (see Details)

mermaid script to add after the generated script


further parameters passed to mermaid


Mermaid code of the diagram if display is FALSE, otherwise the function returns the diagram itself.


header parameter allows to add any mermaid code injected before the graph instruction. It is notably useful for injecting directives that impact the format of the graph. See mermaid documentation on directives for more details and also the complete list of available directives.

See also



# Network of 2 nodes distant of 150 km: #
# - an upstream reservoir modeled as a direct flow injection (no model)
# - a gauging station downstream a catchment of 360 km² modeled with GR4J
db <- data.frame(id = c("Reservoir", "GaugingDown"),
                 length = c(150, NA),
                 down = c("GaugingDown", NA),
                 area = c(NA, 360),
                 model = c(NA, "RunModel_GR4J"),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
griwrm_basic <- CreateGRiwrm(db)
#>            id        down length area         model       donor
#> 2 GaugingDown        <NA>     NA  360 RunModel_GR4J GaugingDown
#> 1   Reservoir GaugingDown    150   NA          <NA>        <NA>
# Network diagram with direct flow node in red, intermediate sub-basin in green
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }

# GR4J semi-distributed model of the Severn River #
nodes <- Severn$BasinsInfo
nodes$model <- "RunModel_GR4J"
#> 'data.frame':	6 obs. of  13 variables:
#>  $ gauge_id           : chr  "54057" "54032" "54001" "54095" ...
#>  $ gauge_name         : chr  "Severn at Haw Bridge" "Severn at Saxons Lode" "Severn at Bewdley" "Severn at Buildwas" ...
#>  $ gauge_lat          : num  52 52 52.4 52.6 52.1 ...
#>  $ gauge_lon          : num  -2.23 -2.2 -2.32 -2.53 -1.94 -2.39
#>  $ area               : num  9885 6865 4330 3723 2208 ...
#>  $ elev_mean          : int  145 170 175 186 99 212
#>  $ station_type       : chr  "VA" "US" "US" "US" ...
#>  $ flow_period_start  : chr  "1971-07-01" "1970-10-01" "1970-10-01" "1984-03-01" ...
#>  $ flow_period_end    : chr  "2015-09-30" "2015-09-30" "2015-09-30" "2015-09-30" ...
#>  $ bankfull_flow      : num  460 340 420 285 125 190
#>  $ downstream_id      : chr  NA "54057" "54032" "54001" ...
#>  $ distance_downstream: num  NA 15 45 42 43 32
#>  $ model              : chr  "RunModel_GR4J" "RunModel_GR4J" "RunModel_GR4J" "RunModel_GR4J" ...
# Mismatch column names are renamed to stick with GRiwrm requirements
rename_columns <- list(id = "gauge_id",
                       down = "downstream_id",
                       length = "distance_downstream")
griwrm_severn <- CreateGRiwrm(nodes, rename_columns)
#>      id  down length    area         model donor
#> 4 54095 54001     42 3722.68 RunModel_GR4J 54095
#> 5 54002 54057     43 2207.95 RunModel_GR4J 54002
#> 6 54029 54032     32 1483.65 RunModel_GR4J 54029
#> 3 54001 54032     45 4329.90 RunModel_GR4J 54001
#> 2 54032 54057     15 6864.88 RunModel_GR4J 54032
#> 1 54057  <NA>     NA 9885.46 RunModel_GR4J 54057
# Network diagram with upstream basin nodes in blue, intermediate sub-basin in green
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }

# Severn network with an ungauged station at nodes 54029 and 54001 #
nodes_ungauged <- nodes
nodes_ungauged$model[nodes_ungauged$gauge_id %in% c("54029", "54001")] <- "Ungauged"
# By default the first gauged node at downstream is used for parameter calibration (54032)
# Add a `donor`column for defining manually an upstream or sibling donor
nodes_ungauged$donor <- as.character(NA)
nodes_ungauged$donor[nodes_ungauged$id == "54001"] <- "54095"
griwrm_ungauged <- CreateGRiwrm(nodes_ungauged, rename_columns)
#> Ungauged node '54001' automatically gets the node '54032' as parameter donor
#> Ungauged node '54029' automatically gets the node '54032' as parameter donor
#>      id  down length    area         model donor
#> 4 54095 54001     42 3722.68 RunModel_GR4J 54095
#> 5 54002 54057     43 2207.95 RunModel_GR4J 54002
#> 3 54001 54032     45 4329.90      Ungauged 54032
#> 6 54029 54032     32 1483.65      Ungauged 54032
#> 2 54032 54057     15 6864.88 RunModel_GR4J 54032
#> 1 54057  <NA>     NA 9885.46 RunModel_GR4J 54057
# Network diagram with gauged nodes of vivid color, and ungauged nodes of dull color
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }

# Severn network with a Diversion on the node "54029"     #
# to a reservoir which transfer flows to the node "54001" #
# and a withdrawal on the reservoir                       #
nodes_div <- nodes[, c("gauge_id", "downstream_id", "distance_downstream", "model", "area")]
nodes_div <- rbind(
  data.frame(gauge_id            = c("54029"    , "Reservoir"         , "Irrigation_Pump"),
             downstream_id       = c("Reservoir", "54001"             , "Reservoir"      ),
             distance_downstream = c(10         , 5                   , 0                ),
             model               = c("Diversion", "RunModel_Reservoir", NA      ),
             area                = c(NA         , NA                  , NA))
griwrm_div <- CreateGRiwrm(nodes_div, rename_columns)
# Network diagram figures Diversion node by a red frame and a red arrow
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
plot(griwrm_div, orientation = "TB")
} # }

# It's also possible to custom the diagram's look with mermaid directives
# (See details in plot.GRiwrm help topic)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  header = "%%{init: {'flowchart': {'nodeSpacing': 30, 'rankSpacing': 30, 'curve': 'linear'}}}%%"
} # }