Creation and adding of a controller in a supervisor

CreateController(supervisor,, Y, U, FUN)



Supervisor object, see CreateSupervisor

character id of the controller (see Details)


character location of the controlled and/or measured variables in the model.


character location of the command variables in the model.


function controller logic which calculates U from Y (see Details)


a Controller object which is a list with the following items:

  • id character: the controller identifier

  • U matrix: the list of controls for command variables with each column being the location of the variables and the rows being the values of the variable for the current time steps (empty by default)

  • Unames character: location of the command variables

  • Y matrix: the lists of controls for controlled variables with each column being the location of the variables and the rows being the values of the variable for the current time steps (empty by default)

  • Ynames character: location of the controlled variables

  • FUN function: controller logic which calculates U from Y


The is a unique id for finding the controller in the supervisor. If a controller with the same id already exists, it is overwritten by this new one.

FUN should be a function with one numeric parameter. This parameter will receive the measured values of at Y locations as input for the previous time step and returns calculated U. These U will then be applied at their location for the current time step of calculation of the model.

See RunModel.Supervisor and vignettes for examples of use.