Les instructions pour préparer la traduction sont dans “dev/translation.Rmd”.
Trois modes de traduction cohabitent:
Dans tous les cas, les développeurs devront
You can use this package without opening the Shiny application.
See vignette “00-exploration-of-data”
Update Docker for deployment:
To update the translations or to run the shiny application locally, the PostGis database is required.
To be able to connect to a PostGis instance the user needs to define some golem config parameters and environment variables.
Those are stored in inst/golem-config.yml
and can be modified as such:
# database name
"diades" # Changer ici le nom de la base de données
# database host URL
"localhost" # Changer ici l'URL de la base
# database port access
"5432" # Changer ici le port
If you change these lines to set the real values, be sure to set them back with the examples below before commit
The POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASS must not be versioned with the app.
To avoid setting those environment variables every time you want to run the app, they should be saved in a local .Renviron file. To define one for your own copy of the project run this command:
usethis::edit_r_environ(scope = "project")
and add the following lines
# database username with Read access
POSTGRES_USER=diadesatlas_owner # Changer ici le username
# database password for the user
POSTGRES_PASS=thinkrpassword # Changer ici le password
Again make sure not to track this project .Renviron with git.
If you do not have direct access to the database, a copy can be used for development. Please refer to the doc in the {diadesdata} repo on ThinkR’s forge (restricted access): Section “Pull and Use”.
Verify connexion to database works
Whether you are connected to the development or the production database, this should work correctly
session <- new.env()
con <- get_con(session)
To run the Shiny application locally, you need a Mongo database. For dev, you need to run the following on your machine:
docker run --name=mongo --rm -p 2811:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=Colin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=AsAboveSoBelow789123 mongo:4.0
Stop it at the end of your development process
Vignettes are compiled manually by developers. Raw vignettes are stored in “data-raw”. Instructions to compile them are in the vignette itself.
However, they can all be prepared from this script:
remotes::install_local(upgrade = "never", force = TRUE)
file.copy(here::here("dev", "translation.Rmd"),
here::here("data-raw", "translation.Rmd"))
all_vignettes <- c(
for (vignette_name in all_vignettes) {
# vignette_name <- "aa-data-exploration-and-preparation"
vignette_file <- paste0(vignette_name, ".Rmd")
input = here::here(file.path("data-raw", vignette_file)),
output_format = "rmarkdown::html_vignette",
output_options = list(toc = TRUE),
output_file = here::here(file.path("vignettes", vignette_file))
# Add header for title
lines <- readLines(here::here(file.path("vignettes", vignette_file)))
title: ".{vignette_name}."
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
', .open = ".{", .close = "}."),
sep = "\n",
file = here::here(file.path("vignettes", vignette_file))
file.remove(here::here("data-raw", "translation.Rmd"))