This output is created by covrpage.


Coverage summary is created using the covr package.

Object Coverage (%)
diades.atlas 65.28
R/fct_species.R 0.00
R/golem_utils_server.R 0.00
R/mod_a_first_fct_map.R 0.00
R/run_app.R 0.00
R/utils_csv_check.R 0.00
R/mod_b_second_fct_sql_q.R 7.81
R/fct_ui.R 50.00
R/mod_c_third_fct_query_and_plot.R 50.38
R/mod_d_fourth.R 57.32
R/mod_species.R 60.95
R/mod_c_third.R 61.06
R/mod_b_second.R 64.11
R/mod_a_first.R 67.13
R/app_server.R 87.50
R/fct_mongo.R 88.24
R/utils_helpers.R 90.00
R/mod_d_fourth_fct.R 98.63
R/app_config.R 100.00
R/app_ui.R 100.00
R/fct_db.R 100.00
R/get_data_simulation.R 100.00

Unit Tests

Unit Test summary is created using the testthat package.

file n time error failed skipped warning
test-app.R 1 0.002 0 0 0 0
test-fct_db.R 5 0.032 0 0 0 0
test-get_data_simulation.R 1 0.798 0 0 0 0
test-golem-recommended.R 9 0.616 0 0 0 0
test-mod_c_third_fct.R 4 0.556 0 0 0 0
test-mod_d_fourth_fct.R 37 23.266 0 0 0 0
test-utils_helpers.R 28 0.762 0 0 0 0
Show Detailed Test Results
file context test status n time
test-app.R app multiplication works PASS 1 0.002
test-fct_db.R fct_db db connection works PASS 5 0.032
test-get_data_simulation.R get_data_simulation get_data_simulation works PASS 1 0.798
test-golem-recommended.R golem-recommended app ui PASS 2 0.604
test-golem-recommended.R golem-recommended app server PASS 4 0.004
test-golem-recommended.R golem-recommended app_sys works PASS 1 0.003
test-golem-recommended.R golem-recommended golem-config works PASS 2 0.005
test-mod_c_third_fct.R mod_c_third_fct create_ui_summary_html works PASS 1 0.002
test-mod_c_third_fct.R mod_c_third_fct get_hybrid_model & plot_hsi_nit work PASS 3 0.554
test-mod_d_fourth_fct.R mod_d_fourth_fct compute_nmax_eh1 works PASS 1 0.032
test-mod_d_fourth_fct.R mod_d_fourth_fct runSimulation works PASS 34 23.222
test-mod_d_fourth_fct.R mod_d_fourth_fct slugify works PASS 1 0.001
test-mod_d_fourth_fct.R mod_d_fourth_fct multi_sliders works PASS 1 0.011
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers translation works PASS 2 0.048
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers get_translation_entry PASS 2 0.014
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers translation_help PASS 2 0.018
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers get_help_bubble_entries PASS 2 0.015
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers translation_iucn PASS 2 0.008
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers translation_species PASS 5 0.010
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers translation_abundance_level PASS 5 0.010
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers translation_v_ecosystemic_services PASS 5 0.150
test-utils_helpers.R utils_helpers build_language_json PASS 3 0.489
## debug à <text>#2 : if ("icon" %in% names(test_x_long)) {
##     emos <- covrpage:::emos[[covrpage:::platform()]]
##     knitr::kable(t(c(Failed = emos[["FAILED"]], Warning = emos[["WARNING"]], 
##         Skipped = emos[["SKIPPED"]])))
## }
Session Info
Field Value
Version R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
Platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Language fr_FR
Timezone Europe/Paris
Package Version
testthat 3.1.0
covr 3.5.1
covrpage 0.1