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# library(diades.atlas)
#> Warning: 
#> ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── diades.atlas conflicts ──
#> ✖ get_bv_geoms() masks diades.atlas::get_bv_geoms()
#> Did you accidentally source a file rather than using `load_all()`?
#> Run `rm(list = c("get_bv_geoms"))` to remove the conflicts.

Connect to database

Do not forget to set environment variables in .Renviron

# Connect to database
conn_eurodiad <- connect()

# Listtables
# sort(DBI::dbListTables(conn_eurodiad))
# DBI::dbListObjects(conn_eurodiad)

Prepare Data

Queries from preparation_atlas_simulation.R

data_simulation <- get_data_simulation(conn_eurodiad)
data_catchment <- data_simulation[["data_catchment"]]
#> # Source:   SQL [?? x 5]
#> # Database: postgres [ptlambert@citerne.bordeaux.irstea.priv:5432/eurodiad]
#>    basin_id basin_name country  surface_area ccm_area
#>       <int> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1      147 Spey       Scotland         3060    3061.
#>  2      155 Tay        Scotland         5021    5902.
#>  3      137 Selune     France           1000    1014.
#>  4       65 Gotaalv    Sweden          50200   51464.
#>  5      232 Orkla      Norway           3092    3182.
#>  6      242 Vefsna     Norway           4122    4218.
#>  7      177 Vilaine    France          10475   10490.
#>  8      233 Namsen     Norway           6000    6163.
#>  9      271 Thames     England         13331   13514.
#> 10       62 Glomma     Norway          42441   41911 
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   SQL [?? x 5]
#> # Database: postgres [ptlambert@citerne.bordeaux.irstea.priv:5432/eurodiad]
#>    departure departure_id arrival arrival_id distance
#>    <chr>            <int> <chr>        <int>    <dbl>
#>  1 Aa                   1 Aa               1       0 
#>  2 Aa                   1 Canche          29     132.
#>  3 Aa                   1 Yser           188     150.
#>  4 Aa                   1 Authie          15     173.
#>  5 Aa                   1 Bresle          25     204.
#>  6 Aa                   1 Somme          146     206.
#>  7 Aa                   1 Thames         271     210.
#>  8 Aa                   1 Touques        163     297.
#>  9 Aa                   1 Dives           41     301.
#> 10 Aa                   1 Seine          136     307.
#> # … with more rows
hydiad_parameter <- data_simulation[["hydiad_parameter"]]
#> # Source:   lazy query [?? x 18]
#> # Database: postgres [ptlambert@citerne.bordeaux.irstea.priv:5432/eurodiad]
#>    latin_name Lname species_id    Dmax  lambda     r AgeFirstMat nbCohorts  gamma DistMean   alpha  beta   Mdisp
#>    <chr>      <chr>      <int>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>     <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 Acipenser… AStu…          4 1.06e-1 4.72e-2   1.3        11           3 0.0865   464.   1.10e-4 1.35  4.28e-4
#>  2 Alosa alo… AAlo…          6 7.11e+0 9.31e-2   1.3         5           3 0.173     40.5  4.44e-1 0.417 1.90e-2
#>  3 Alosa fal… AFal…          8 4.07e+0 4.42e-1   1.3         3           3 0.145     24.0  5.49e-1 0.418 3.69e-2
#>  4 Anguilla … AAng…         13 3.59e+1 0         1.3        12           3 0.253    170.   2.04e-5 1.85  4.67e-3
#>  5 Lampetra … LFlu…         18 7.14e-1 1.93e-1   1.3         5           3 0.366     10    2.16e-1 0.706 3.81e-2
#>  6 Osmerus e… OEpe…         20 4.62e+1 1.43e-3   1.3         2           3 0.109      2.42 9.04e-1 0.556 3.98e-1
#>  7 Petromyzo… PMar…         21 1.17e+0 1.36e-1   1.3         8           3 0.628     83.2  1.80e-2 0.869 4.88e-3
#>  8 Platichth… PFle…         22 1.25e+3 2.37e-5   1.3         4.5         3 0.175     26.8  1.07e-6 3.41  1.45e-2
#>  9 Salmo sal… SSal…         25 4.96e-1 2.70e-1   1.3         3           3 0.0605    20.5  3.80e-1 0.496 3.57e-2
#> 10 Salmo tru… STru…         26 1.15e+1 8.51e-3   1.3         3.5         3 0.0828    25.4  3.76e-2 0.931 2.92e-2
#> # … with more rows, and 5 more variables: DistMax <dbl>, withAllee <lgl>, withNatalStray <lgl>,
#> #   usePresence <lgl>, Sdisp <dbl>
data_hsi_nmax <- data_simulation[["data_hsi_nmax"]]
#> # Source:   lazy query [?? x 9]
#> # Database: postgres [ptlambert@citerne.bordeaux.irstea.priv:5432/eurodiad]
#>    latin_name  basin_id basin_name country  year climatic_scenario climatic_model_code    hsi  Nmax
#>    <chr>          <int> <chr>      <chr>   <int> <chr>             <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1951 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.244  2109.
#>  2 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1952 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.322  2783.
#>  3 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1953 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.195  1680.
#>  4 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1954 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.246  2122.
#>  5 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1955 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.0850  734.
#>  6 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1956 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.235  2030.
#>  7 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1957 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.327  2827.
#>  8 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1958 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.415  3584.
#>  9 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1959 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.246  2120.
#> 10 Alosa alosa        1 Aa         France   1960 rcp45             cnrmcm5             0.380  3278.
#> # … with more rows
reference_results <- data_simulation[["reference_results"]]
#> # Source:     lazy query [?? x 9]
#> # Database:   postgres [ptlambert@citerne.bordeaux.irstea.priv:5432/eurodiad]
#> # Ordered by: latin_name, basin_id, climatic_model_code
#>    latin_name  basin_id basin_name  year climatic_scenario climatic_model_code     nit   hsi    Nmax
#>    <chr>          <int> <chr>      <int> <chr>             <chr>                 <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 Alosa alosa        1 Aa             0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               1451. 0.168   1451.
#>  2 Alosa alosa        3 Adour          0 rcp45             cnrmcm5             103366. 0.862 103366.
#>  3 Alosa alosa      358 Anllons        0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               1336. 0.364   1336.
#>  4 Alosa alosa      359 Artibai        0 rcp45             cnrmcm5                398. 0.509    398.
#>  5 Alosa alosa      290 Ason           0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               2800. 0.616   2800.
#>  6 Alosa alosa       14 Aulne          0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               5736. 0.540   5736.
#>  7 Alosa alosa       15 Authie         0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               1211. 0.131   1211.
#>  8 Alosa alosa       16 Auzance        0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               1010. 0.229   1010.
#>  9 Alosa alosa      385 Ave            0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               4006. 0.404   4006.
#> 10 Alosa alosa       17 Avon           0 rcp45             cnrmcm5               4852. 0.243   4852.
#> # … with more rows
catchment_surface <- data_simulation[["catchment_surface"]]

Prepare data frame of simulation

  • Use anthropogenic mortality from the Shiny interface
session <- shiny::MockShinySession$new()
session$userData$con <- conn_eurodiad
input <- list()
datasets <- generate_datasets(con = conn_eurodiad)
#> ── generate_datasets ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
lang <- "fr"

# Generate all inputs as in the Shiny application
countries <- datasets[["countries_mortalities_list"]]

mortalities <- tibble::tibble(
  # country = golem::get_golem_options('countries_mortalities_list'),
  country = datasets[["countries_mortalities_list"]],
  mortsimperiod1 = 
      country == "France" ~ -log(.5),
      # country == "France" ~ -5,
      TRUE ~ 0
  # rep(-log(.5), length(datasets[["countries_mortalities_list"]])),
  mortsimperiod2 = 
      country == "France" ~ -log(.75),
      TRUE ~ 0
  # rep(-log(.75), length(datasets[["countries_mortalities_list"]]))

#> # A tibble: 13 × 3
#>    country     mortsimperiod1 mortsimperiod2
#>    <chr>               <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 Denmark             0           0    
#>  2 Portugal            0           0    
#>  3 Morocco             0           0    
#>  4 Sweden              0           0    
#>  5 Norway              0           0    
#>  6 France              0.693       0.288
#>  7 Wales               0           0    
#>  8 Scotland            0           0    
#>  9 Netherlands         0           0    
#> 10 Spain               0           0    
#> 11 England             0           0    
#> 12 Germany             0           0    
#> 13 Ireland             0           0

scenario <- "rcp85"

# # build from sliders in interface 
# expand grid using full_join
anthropogenic_mortality <- expand_anthropogenic_mortality(
  data_hsi_nmax, mortalities)

selected_latin_name <- "Alosa alosa"
# selected_latin_name <- "Chelon ramada"

# debugonce(runSimulation)
# shiny::withProgress(
#   message = 'Making Simu', value = 0, 
#   session = session, {

    results <- runSimulation(
      data_simulation[["hydiad_parameter"]], # 11 rows
      # Smaller for example
      anthropogenic_mortality, # 1800 rows
      data_simulation[["catchment_surface"]], # 134 rows
      data_simulation[["data_hsi_nmax"]], # 663300 rows
      data_simulation[["data_ni0"]], # 4422 rows
      data_simulation[["outlet_distance"]], # 18225 rows
      # Add scenario
      scenario = scenario,
      verbose = FALSE
  # })

# [1] "cnrmcm5"    "csiromk360"
# [3] "noresm1me" 

# Les 5 premières lignes des sous-listes
# results %>% purrr::map(~purrr::map(.x, head))

Graphs for Nit

# graphics ----
Nit_list <- get_model_nit(results) 

basin <- 'Garonne'

# Plot Nit predictions
model_res_filtered <- nit_feature_species(
  Nit_list = Nit_list,
  reference_results = reference_results %>%
    filter(climatic_scenario == scenario),
  selected_latin_name = selected_latin_name)
# same function as for Page 3
model_res_filtered %>% 
  filter(basin_name == basin) %>% 
  # filter(source == "reference") %>% 
  plot_nit(selected_year = 2073,
           lg = "fr",
           withNitStandardisation = FALSE,
           with_colour_source = "source")
#> Warning: Removed 14 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).


loco <- list()
loco$model_res <- model_res_filtered %>% 
  filter(source == "simul") %>% 
  left_join(data_simulation[["data_catchment"]] %>% collect(),
            by = "basin_name")

loco$bv_df <- get_bv_geoms(
  lg = "fr", #r$lg,

          bv_df = loco$bv_df,
          model_res = loco$model_res,
          year = 2100

Stop connection
