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# renv::install("dm")
# library(dm)

Data exploration

Connect to database

Do not forget to set environment variables in .Renviron

postgis_host <- Sys.getenv("POSTGIS_HOST")
postgis_user <- Sys.getenv("POSTGIS_USER")
postgis_password <- Sys.getenv("POSTGIS_PASSWORD")

con <- DBI::dbConnect(
  host = Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_HOST", diades.atlas:::get_golem_config("POSTGRES_HOST")),
  dbname = Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_DBNAME", diades.atlas:::get_golem_config("POSTGRES_DBNAME")),
  port = Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_PORT", diades.atlas:::get_golem_config("POSTGRES_PORT")),
  user = Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_USER", "diadesatlas_r"),
  password = Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_PASS", "diadesPassword"),
  options = "-c search_path=diadesatlas"
# Listtables
# DBI::dbListTables(con)
# DBI::dbListObjects(con)

# Get the names of all the tables in the schema
all_schemas <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='diadesatlas'")
#>                  table_name
#> 1           abundance_level
#> 2                     basin
#> 3              basin_outlet
#> 4           casestudy_basin
#> 5                  category
#> 6                     cices
#> 7            climatic_model
#> 8           hydiadparameter
#> 9                 ices_area
#> 10               ices_grass
#> 11           ices_rectangle
#> 12      iucn_classification
#> 13               iucn_level
#> 14                lang85_85
#> 15                  species
#> 16        species_rectangle
#> 17              v_abundance
#> 18            v_maxvalue_es
#> 19           v_hybrid_model
#> 20      v_hybrid_model_mavg
#> 21              v_ices_geom
#> 22              v_occurence
#> 23 v_species_ices_occurence
#> 24                abundance
#> 25                casestudy
#> 26     ecosystemic_services
#> 27                  esvalue
#> 28      hybrid_model_result
#> 29                   locale
#> 30          outlet_distance
#> 31         species_division
#> 32             species_iucn
#> 33              subcategory
#> 34                  v_basin
#> 35   v_ecosystemic_services
#> 36                   v_iucn

# Display the head of all
for (i in all_schemas$table_name) {
  print(dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", i)))
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."abundance_level"> [??
#> #   x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   abundance_level_id abundance_level_… abundance_level_…
#>                <int> <chr>             <chr>            
#> 1                  1 absent            The species was …
#> 2                  2 rare              Occasional vagra…
#> 3                  3 common            Functional popul…
#> 4                  4 abundant          Functional popul…
#> # … with 1 more variable:
#> #   abundance_level_interpretation_short <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."basin"> [?? x 12]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    basin_id basin_name   country ecoregion_code longitude
#>       <int> <chr>        <chr>            <int>     <dbl>
#>  1       15 Authie       France           20025      1.63
#>  2      228 Vosso        Norway           20022      5.72
#>  3      229 Laerdalselva Norway           20022      7.46
#>  4      230 Aroelva      Norway           20022      7.16
#>  5      235 Figgjo       Norway           20022      5.83
#>  6      236 Etneelv      Norway           20022      5.92
#>  7      237 Opo          Norway           20022      6.54
#>  8      238 Loneelv      Norway           20022      5.05
#>  9      231 Eira         Norway           20022      8.14
#> 10      239 Bondalselv   Norway           20022      6.38
#> # … with more rows, and 7 more variables:
#> #   latitude <dbl>, surface_area_drainage_basin <dbl>,
#> #   length_main_watercourse <dbl>,
#> #   altitude_source <dbl>, bibliography <chr>,
#> #   administrator <chr>, link_pictures <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."basin_outlet"> [?? x
#> #   9]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    basin_id  wso_id ccm_name ccm_area ccm_window geom   
#>       <int>   <int> <chr>       <dbl>      <int> <pq_gm>
#>  1      147   83758 Spey        3061.       2001 010600…
#>  2      155   83745 Tay         5902.       2001 010600…
#>  3      137  291745 <NA>        1014.       2003 010600…
#>  4       65 1034751 <NA>       51464.       2008 010600…
#>  5      232 1034818 <NA>        3182.       2008 010600…
#>  6      242 1034790 Vefsna      4218.       2008 010600…
#>  7       66   83751 <NA>        8443.       2001 010600…
#>  8      177  291146 Vilaine    10490.       2003 010600…
#>  9      233 1034734 <NA>        6163.       2008 010600…
#> 10      271   83811 Thames     13514.       2001 010600…
#> # … with more rows, and 3 more variables:
#> #   seaoutlet_geom <pq_gmtry>,
#> #   simplified_geom <pq_gmtry>,
#> #   verysimplified_geom <pq_gmtry>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."casestudy_basin"> [??
#> #   x 2]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    casestudy_id basin_id
#>           <int>    <int>
#>  1            1       20
#>  2            2      330
#>  3            2      331
#>  4            2      329
#>  5            3       36
#>  6            3      137
#>  7            4       89
#>  8            5      382
#>  9            5       60
#> 10            6      362
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."category"> [?? x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   category_id category_name          sortorder
#>         <int> <chr>                      <int>
#> 1           2 Provisionning services         1
#> 2           3 Regulating services            2
#> 3           1 Cultural services              3
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."cices"> [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    cices_id mea                   cices expert_knowledge
#>       <int> <chr>                 <chr> <chr>           
#>  1        1 Provisioning services "Bio… Food provision  
#>  2        2 Provisioning services "Bio… Option value (L…
#>  3        3 Provisioning services "Bio… Option value (M…
#>  4        4 Cultural services     "Phy… Recreation spor…
#>  5        5 Cultural services     "Phy… Sport fishing c…
#>  6        6 Cultural services     "Phy… Option value (f…
#>  7        7 Cultural services     "Spi… Spiritual exper…
#>  8        8 Cultural services     "Int… Gastronomy arou…
#>  9        9 Cultural services     "Int… Gastronomic fes…
#> 10       10 Cultural services     "Int… Art and folklore
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."climatic_model"> [?? x
#> #   5]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    climatic_model_id climatic_model_code oceanic_model
#>                <int> <chr>               <chr>        
#>  1                 1 canesm2             CanESM2      
#>  2                 2 cnrmcm5             CNRM-CM5     
#>  3                 3 csiromk360          CSIRO-Mk3-6-0
#>  4                 4 gfdlesm2m           GFDL-ESM2M   
#>  5                 5 hadgem2es           HadGEM2-ES   
#>  6                 6 ipslcm5amr          IPSL-CM5A-MR 
#>  7                 7 miroc5              MIROC5       
#>  8                 8 mpiesmmr            MPI-ESM_MR   
#>  9                 9 noresm1me           NorESM1-ME   
#> 10                10 access10            ACCESS1-0    
#> # … with more rows, and 2 more variables:
#> #   atmospheric_model <chr>, climatic_model_hm <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."hydiadparameter"> [??
#> #   x 16]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    species_id   Dmax   lambda     r AgeFirstMat nbCohorts
#>         <int>  <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>     <int>
#>  1          6  7.11  0.0931    1.10         5           3
#>  2          8  4.07  0.442     1.09         3           3
#>  3         18  0.714 0.193     1.16         5           3
#>  4         21  1.17  0.136     1.31         8           3
#>  5         25  0.496 0.270     1.03         3           3
#>  6         26 11.5   0.00851   1.04         3.5         3
#>  7          4  0.106 0.0472    1.02        11           3
#>  8         20 46.2   0.00143   1.07         2           3
#>  9         13 35.9   0         1.15        12           3
#> 10         19 50.3   0.000432  1.07         3.5         3
#> # … with more rows, and 10 more variables: gamma <dbl>,
#> #   DistMean <dbl>, alpha <dbl>, beta <dbl>,
#> #   Mdisp <dbl>, DistMax <dbl>, withAllee <lgl>,
#> #   withNatalStray <lgl>, usePresence <lgl>,
#> #   Sdisp <dbl>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."ices_area"> [?? x 11]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>      gid major_fa subarea division subdivisio unit 
#>    <int> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      <chr>
#>  1    83 27       8       e        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  2    10 27       4       a        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  3     7 27       4       c        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  4    72 27       3       a        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  5    27 27       6       a        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  6     8 27       4       b        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  7    84 27       9       b        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  8    82 27       8       d        <NA>       <NA> 
#>  9    36 27       9       a        <NA>       <NA> 
#> 10    79 27       7       c        <NA>       <NA> 
#> # … with more rows, and 5 more variables:
#> #   area_full <chr>, area_27 <chr>, area_km2 <dbl>,
#> #   geom <pq_gmtry>, simplified_geom <pq_gmtry>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."ices_grass"> [?? x 14]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>       id geom           fid   cat   gid major_fa subarea
#>    <int> <pq_gmtry>   <int> <int> <int> <chr>    <chr>  
#>  1     1 01030000201…     1     4    10 27       4      
#>  2     2 01030000201…     2     4    10 27       4      
#>  3     3 01030000201…     3     1     8 27       4      
#>  4     4 01030000201…     4     4    10 27       4      
#>  5     5 01030000201…     5     5    72 27       3      
#>  6     6 01030000201…     6     7    40 27       8      
#>  7     7 01030000201…     7     7    40 27       8      
#>  8     8 01030000201…     8     7    40 27       8      
#>  9     9 01030000201…     9    10    46 27       7      
#> 10    10 01030000201…    10     8    42 27       7      
#> # … with more rows, and 7 more variables:
#> #   division <chr>, subdivisio <chr>, unit <chr>,
#> #   area_full <chr>, area_27 <chr>, area_km2 <dbl>,
#> #   simplified <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."ices_rectangle"> [?? x
#> #   15]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>      gid    id icesname south  west north  east area_km2
#>    <int> <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <int>
#>  1  1846  2549 01D2      36     -18  36.5   -17     4987
#>  2  1847  2550 02D2      36.5   -18  37     -17     4955
#>  3  1848  2551 03D2      37     -18  37.5   -17     4923
#>  4  1849  2552 04D2      37.5   -18  38     -17     4891
#>  5  1850  2553 05D2      38     -18  38.5   -17     4858
#>  6  1851  2554 06D2      38.5   -18  39     -17     4825
#>  7  1852  2555 07D2      39     -18  39.5   -17     4792
#>  8  1853  2556 08D2      39.5   -18  40     -17     4758
#>  9  1854  2557 09D2      40     -18  40.5   -17     4724
#> 10  1855  2558 10D2      40.5   -18  41     -17     4689
#> # … with more rows, and 7 more variables:
#> #   objectid <int64>, ecoregion <chr>, area <dbl>,
#> #   percentage <dbl>, shape_star <dbl>,
#> #   shape_stle <dbl>, geom <pq_gmtry>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."iucn_classification">
#> #   [?? x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   iucn_classificat… iucn_classificat… bibliography      
#>               <int> <chr>             <chr>             
#> 1                 3 IUCN_FR           UICN Comité franç…
#> 2                 4 IUCN_IE           King, J.L., F. Ma…
#> 3                 2 IUCN_ES           www.uicn.es/web/p…
#> 4                 1 IUCN_Europe       Brooks, Emma. Eur…
#> 5                 5 IUCN_PT           Martins, Rogélia,…
#> 6                 6 IUCN_UK           https://hub.jncc.…
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."iucn_level"> [?? x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    iucn_level_id iucn_level_code iucn_level_name      
#>            <int> <chr>           <chr>                
#>  1             1 EX              Extinct              
#>  2             2 EW              Extinct in the Wild  
#>  3             3 RE              Regionally Extinct   
#>  4             4 CR              Critically Endangered
#>  5             5 EN              Endangered           
#>  6             6 VU              Vulnerable           
#>  7             7 NT              Near Threatened      
#>  8             8 LC              Least Concern        
#>  9             9 DD              Data Deficient       
#> 10            10 NE              Not Evaluated        
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."lang85_85"> [?? x 12]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>       id geom            fid   cat  cat_ basin_id wso_id
#>    <int> <pq_gmtry>    <int> <int> <int>    <int>  <int>
#>  1     1 0103000020E6…     1     2     6       65 1.03e6
#>  2     2 0103000020E6…     2     4    17      271 8.38e4
#>  3     3 0103000020E6…     3     7    22       62 1.03e6
#>  4     4 0103000020E6…     4    15    38       51 6   e0
#>  5     5 0103000020E6…     5    16    38       51 6   e0
#>  6     6 0103000020E6…     6    17    38       51 6   e0
#>  7     7 0103000020E6…     7    24    47       81 1.03e6
#>  8     8 0103000020E6…     8    28    71       40 8.38e4
#>  9     9 0103000020E6…     9    32    78      164 8.41e4
#> 10    10 0103000020E6…    10    34    83       19 8.37e4
#> # … with more rows, and 5 more variables:
#> #   ccm_name <chr>, ccm_area <dbl>, ccm_window <int>,
#> #   seaoutlet_ <chr>, simplified <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."species"> [?? x 5]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    species_id latin_name  english_name local_name active
#>         <int> <chr>       <chr>        <chr>      <lgl> 
#>  1          1 Acipenser … <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  2          2 Acipenser … <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  3          3 Acipenser … <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  4          5 Alosa alge… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  5          7 Alosa casp… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  6          9 Alosa imma… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  7         10 Alosa kess… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  8         11 Alosa tana… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#>  9         12 Alosa volg… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#> 10         14 Caspiomyzo… <NA>         ""         FALSE 
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."species_rectangle">
#> #   [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    species_rectangle_id  year species_id   gid
#>                   <int> <int>      <int> <int>
#>  1                 2162  2016          4  3323
#>  2                 2163  2017          4  3323
#>  3                 2164  2016          4  3324
#>  4                 2165  2015          4  3324
#>  5                 2166  2015          4  3565
#>  6                 2167  2016          6  3318
#>  7                 2168  2017          6  3318
#>  8                 2169  2011          6  3318
#>  9                 2170  2008          6  3318
#> 10                 2171  2010          6  3318
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_abundance"> [?? x
#> #   13]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    basin_id abundance_id abundance_level_id species_id
#>       <int>        <int>              <int>      <int>
#>  1      179        26667                  3          8
#>  2      188        26668                  1          8
#>  3       69        25726                  1          4
#>  4      174        25727                  1          4
#>  5       69        25730                  1          6
#>  6      174        25731                  1          6
#>  7       69        25734                  2          8
#>  8      174        25735                 NA          8
#>  9       69        25744                  3         13
#> 10      174        25745                  3         13
#> # … with more rows, and 9 more variables:
#> #   year_from <int>, year_to <int>, basin_name <chr>,
#> #   latin_name <chr>, simplified_name <chr>,
#> #   fish_name <chr>, abundance_level_name <chr>,
#> #   abundance_level_interpretation <chr>,
#> #   abundance_level_interpretation_short <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_maxvalue_es"> [?? x
#> #   4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    category_id casestudy_id species_id esvalue_id
#>          <int>        <int>      <int>      <int>
#>  1           3            4          8          0
#>  2           1            5          6          2
#>  3           3            8          8          0
#>  4           1            5         19          0
#>  5           2            5          8          0
#>  6           3            8         20          0
#>  7           3            7         25         -1
#>  8           2            7         21          1
#>  9           2            9          4          0
#> 10           2            4         13          1
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_hybrid_model"> [?? x
#> #   17]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    hybrid_model_result_id basin_id species_id climatic_model_…
#>                     <int>    <int>      <int>            <int>
#>  1                1395365      184          6                9
#>  2                1395366      184          6                9
#>  3                1395367      184          6                9
#>  4                1395368      184          6                9
#>  5                1395369      184          6                9
#>  6                1395370      184          6                9
#>  7                1395371      184          6                9
#>  8                1395372      184          6                9
#>  9                1395373      184          6                9
#> 10                1395374      184          6                9
#> # … with more rows, and 13 more variables: year <int>,
#> #   nit <dbl>, hsi <dbl>, saturation_rate <dbl>,
#> #   climatic_scenario <chr>, climatic_model_code <chr>,
#> #   oceanic_model <chr>, atmospheric_model <chr>,
#> #   climatic_model_hm <chr>, basin_name <chr>,
#> #   fish_name <chr>, latin_name <chr>,
#> #   simplified_name <chr>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_hybrid_model_mavg">
#> #   [?? x 14]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    latin_name     basin_name climatic_scenar… species_id
#>    <chr>          <chr>      <chr>                 <int>
#>  1 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  2 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  3 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  4 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  5 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  6 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  7 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  8 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#>  9 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#> 10 Acipenser stu… Aa         rcp45                     4
#> # … with more rows, and 10 more variables:
#> #   basin_id <int>, year <int>, nit_min <dbl>,
#> #   nit_mean <dbl>, nit_max <dbl>, hsi_min <dbl>,
#> #   hsi_mean <dbl>, hsi_max <dbl>, nit_movingavg <dbl>,
#> #   hsi_movingavg <dbl>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_ices_geom"> [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    ices_type   gid icesname geom                        
#>    <chr>     <int> <chr>    <pq_gmtry>                  
#>  1 rectangle  3159 22E6     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  2 rectangle  2247 21D6     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  3 rectangle  2256 30D6     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  4 rectangle  1966 27D3     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  5 rectangle  3177 44E6     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  6 rectangle  4058 37F7     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  7 rectangle  2258 32D6     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  8 rectangle  2727 12E1     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#>  9 rectangle  3092 40E5     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#> 10 rectangle  2052 19D4     0106000020E6100000010000000…
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_occurence"> [?? x 8]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    ices_type species_id   gid fish_name     latin_name  
#>    <chr>          <int> <int> <chr>         <chr>       
#>  1 division           6    82 Allis shad    Alosa alosa 
#>  2 rectangle          8  3329 Twaite shad   Alosa fallax
#>  3 rectangle          6  2629 Allis shad    Alosa alosa 
#>  4 rectangle          8  2626 Twaite shad   Alosa fallax
#>  5 rectangle          8  3569 Twaite shad   Alosa fallax
#>  6 rectangle         22  2996 European flo… Platichthys…
#>  7 rectangle         19  2620 Thinlip grey… Chelon rama…
#>  8 division           6    44 Allis shad    Alosa alosa 
#>  9 rectangle         22  3410 European flo… Platichthys…
#> 10 rectangle         19  3567 Thinlip grey… Chelon rama…
#> # … with more rows, and 3 more variables:
#> #   simplified_name <chr>, icesname <chr>,
#> #   nb_occurence <int64>
#> # Source:  
#> #   table<"diadesatlas"."v_species_ices_occurence"> [??
#> #   x 8]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    ices_type   gid species_id fish_name         icesname
#>    <chr>     <int>      <int> <chr>             <chr>   
#>  1 rectangle  3159          4 European sturgeon 22E6    
#>  2 rectangle  3159          6 Allis shad        22E6    
#>  3 rectangle  3159          8 Twaite shad       22E6    
#>  4 rectangle  3159         13 European eel      22E6    
#>  5 rectangle  3159         18 River lamprey     22E6    
#>  6 rectangle  3159         20 European smelt    22E6    
#>  7 rectangle  3159         21 Sea lamprey       22E6    
#>  8 rectangle  3159         22 European flounder 22E6    
#>  9 rectangle  3159         25 Atlantic salmon   22E6    
#> 10 rectangle  3159         26 Sea trout         22E6    
#> # … with more rows, and 3 more variables:
#> #   latin_name <chr>, simplified_name <chr>,
#> #   nb_occurence <int64>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."abundance"> [?? x 14]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    basin_id abundance_id presence_absence year_from
#>       <int>        <int>            <int>     <int>
#>  1        1            1                0      1951
#>  2        1            2                0      1851
#>  3        3            5                0      1951
#>  4        3            6                0      1851
#>  5       14           29                0      1951
#>  6       14           30                0      1851
#>  7       15           31                0      1951
#>  8       15           32                0      1851
#>  9       16           33                0      1951
#> 10       16           34                0      1851
#> # … with more rows, and 10 more variables:
#> #   year_to <int>, period_comment <chr>,
#> #   abundance_migratory_comment <chr>,
#> #   abundance_resident_comment <chr>,
#> #   bibliography <chr>, ecoregion_code <int>,
#> #   ecoregion_name <chr>, abundance_migratory_id <int>,
#> #   abundance_resident_id <int>, species_id <int>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."casestudy"> [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   casestudy_id casestudy_name   publishable geom        
#>          <int> <chr>            <lgl>       <pq_gmtry>  
#> 1            3 Normand-Breton … TRUE        0103000020E…
#> 2            4 Loire            TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 3            6 Gipuzcoan        TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 4            1 Waterford Harbo… TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 5            9 Mondego          TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 6            8 Minho            TRUE        0103000020E…
#> 7            2 Tamar-Taff-Frome TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 8            5 Gironde-Garonne… TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 9            7 Ulla             TRUE        0103000020E…
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."ecosystemic_services">
#> #   [?? x 5]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    ecosystemic_services_id casestudy_id species_id
#>                      <int>        <int>      <int>
#>  1                      89            1          6
#>  2                      99            1          8
#>  3                      95            1         18
#>  4                      96            1         21
#>  5                      90            1         25
#>  6                      97            1         26
#>  7                      93            1         20
#>  8                      94            1          4
#>  9                      91            1         13
#> 10                      92            1         22
#> # … with more rows, and 2 more variables:
#> #   subcategory_id <int>, esvalue_id <int>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."esvalue"> [?? x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   esvalue_id esvalue_code esvalue_name
#>        <int> <chr>        <chr>       
#> 1         -1 ?            Unknown     
#> 2          0 0            Not present 
#> 3          1 €            Low value   
#> 4          2 €€           Median value
#> 5          3 €€€          High value  
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."hybrid_model_result">
#> #   [?? x 9]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    hybrid_model_result_id basin_id species_id climatic_model_…
#>                     <int>    <int>      <int>            <int>
#>  1                1395365      184          6                9
#>  2                1395366      184          6                9
#>  3                1395367      184          6                9
#>  4                1395368      184          6                9
#>  5                1395369      184          6                9
#>  6                1395370      184          6                9
#>  7                1395371      184          6                9
#>  8                1395372      184          6                9
#>  9                1395373      184          6                9
#> 10                1395374      184          6                9
#> # … with more rows, and 5 more variables:
#> #   climatic_scenario <chr>, year <int>, nit <dbl>,
#> #   hsi <dbl>, saturation_rate <dbl>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."locale"> [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    locale_id country_code english_label   country_label 
#>        <int> <chr>        <chr>           <chr>         
#>  1        59 fr           ALL EXISTING S… TOUTES LES SO…
#>  2        60 fr           Allis shad      Grande alose  
#>  3        61 fr           Atlantic salmon Saumon atlant…
#>  4        62 fr           Barrow          Barrow        
#>  5        63 fr           Couesnon        Couesnon      
#>  6        64 fr           Cultural servi… Services cult…
#>  7        65 fr           Deba            Deba          
#>  8        66 fr           Dordogne        Dordogne      
#>  9        67 fr           Dorset Frome    Dorset Frome  
#> 10        68 fr           European eel    Anguille euro…
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."outlet_distance"> [??
#> #   x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    departure arrival distance
#>        <int>   <int>    <dbl>
#>  1         1       1       0 
#>  2         1       3    1279.
#>  3         1     387    2458.
#>  4         1     358    2015.
#>  5         1     359    1382.
#>  6         1     290    1491.
#>  7         1      14     662.
#>  8         1      15     173.
#>  9         1      16     965.
#> 10         1     385    2259.
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."species_division"> [??
#> #   x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    species_division_id  year species_id   gid
#>                  <int> <int>      <int> <int>
#>  1                   1  2015          4    47
#>  2                   2  2012          4    47
#>  3                   3  2016          4    40
#>  4                   4  2015          4    40
#>  5                   5  2016          4    39
#>  6                   6  2017          4    39
#>  7                   7  2014          4    39
#>  8                   8  2015          6    10
#>  9                   9  2004          6    10
#> 10                  10  2012          6     8
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."species_iucn"> [?? x
#> #   4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    species_iucn_id species_id iucn_classification_id
#>              <int>      <int>                  <int>
#>  1               1          4                      1
#>  2               2         13                      1
#>  3               3         18                      1
#>  4               4         21                      1
#>  5               5         25                      1
#>  6               6         26                      1
#>  7               7         20                      1
#>  8               8         19                      1
#>  9               9          6                      1
#> 10              10         22                      1
#> # … with more rows, and 1 more variable:
#> #   iucn_level_id <int>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."subcategory"> [?? x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   subcategory_id subcategory_name            category_id
#>            <int> <chr>                             <int>
#> 1              1 Food provision from commer…           2
#> 2              2 Option value associated to…           2
#> 3              3 Redistribution of nutrient…           3
#> 4              4 Traditional know-how (fish…           1
#> 5              5 Traditional know-how relat…           1
#> 6              6 Gastronomy around species …           1
#> 7              7 Natural heritage and natur…           1
#> 8              8 Recreation sport fishing (…           1
#> 9              9 The potential for environm…           1
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_basin"> [?? x 3]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    basin_id basin_name geom                             
#>       <int> <chr>      <pq_gmtry>                       
#>  1      199 Imsa       0103000020E610000001000000060000…
#>  2       68 Guadiana   0103000020E610000001000000B70000…
#>  3      368 Sor        0103000020E610000001000000080000…
#>  4      174 Vida       0106000020E610000002000000010300…
#>  5      103 Navia      0103000020E610000001000000210000…
#>  6       16 Auzance    0103000020E610000001000000080000…
#>  7       60 Garonne    0106000020E610000003000000010300…
#>  8      169 Tyne       0103000020E610000001000000220000…
#>  9       22 Blackwater 0106000020E610000002000000010300…
#> 10       50 Eden       0103000020E6100000010000001C0000…
#> # … with more rows
#> # Source:  
#> #   table<"diadesatlas"."v_ecosystemic_services"> [?? x
#> #   14]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    category_id casestudy_id species_id subcategory_id
#>          <int>        <int>      <int>          <int>
#>  1           2            9         21             99
#>  2           1            9         19             99
#>  3           3            5         20              3
#>  4           1            4          4              7
#>  5           2            7         20              1
#>  6           1            9          6             99
#>  7           1            1         19              8
#>  8           2            3          4             99
#>  9           2            5         26              2
#> 10           2            8         20             99
#> # … with more rows, and 10 more variables:
#> #   esvalue_id <int>, subcategory_name <chr>,
#> #   category_name <chr>, latin_name <chr>,
#> #   simplified_name <chr>, fish_name <chr>,
#> #   casestudy_name <chr>, esvalue_code <chr>,
#> #   esvalue_name <chr>, sortorder <int>
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."v_iucn"> [?? x 7]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>    species_id latin_name   simplified_name english_name 
#>         <int> <chr>        <chr>           <chr>        
#>  1          6 Alosa alosa  A. alosa        Allis shad   
#>  2         22 Platichthys… P. flesus       European flo…
#>  3          8 Alosa fallax A. fallax       Twaite shad  
#>  4         13 Anguilla an… A. anguilla     European eel 
#>  5         18 Lampetra fl… L. fluviatilis  River lamprey
#>  6         21 Petromyzon … P. marinus      Sea lamprey  
#>  7         25 Salmo salar  S. salar        Atlantic sal…
#>  8         26 Salmo trutta S. trutta       Sea trout    
#>  9         20 Osmerus epe… O. eperlanus    European sme…
#> 10         19 Chelon rama… C. ramada       Thinlip grey…
#> # … with more rows, and 3 more variables:
#> #   iucn_classification_code <chr>,
#> #   iucn_level_code <chr>, iucn_level_name <chr>

casestudy <- tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "casestudy"))
#> # Source:   table<"diadesatlas"."casestudy"> [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres
#> #   [diadesatlas_owner@localhost:5432/diades]
#>   casestudy_id casestudy_name   publishable geom        
#>          <int> <chr>            <lgl>       <pq_gmtry>  
#> 1            3 Normand-Breton … TRUE        0103000020E…
#> 2            4 Loire            TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 3            6 Gipuzcoan        TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 4            1 Waterford Harbo… TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 5            9 Mondego          TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 6            8 Minho            TRUE        0103000020E…
#> 7            2 Tamar-Taff-Frome TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 8            5 Gironde-Garonne… TRUE        0106000020E…
#> 9            7 Ulla             TRUE        0103000020E…

Create connection

my_dm <- dm_from_src(con, schema = "diadesatlas", learn_keys = TRUE)

Function to collect data

# empty
# dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "cices51")) %>% collect()
# services ?
# dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "cices")) %>% collect()
# services new
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "es_diades")) %>% collect()
# geometry of all basin
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "basin_outlet")) %>% collect()
# Model results over the years
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "hybrid_model_result")) %>% collect()
# Abundance of species in a given basin ove the years
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "abundance")) %>% collect()
# ?
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "climatic_model")) %>% collect()
# List of all basins
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "basin")) %>% collect()

# List of basin for case_study
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "casestudy")) %>% collect()
# List of basins id for case_study
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "casestudy_basin")) %>% collect()
# List of ecosystem services
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "ecosystem_service")) %>% collect()
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "ecosystem_service_new")) %>% collect()
# List of species
dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "species")) %>% collect()

Prepare data for Home page

Prepare json files

Create all json data used on the home page of the app

# List of case studies
casestudy <- dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "casestudy")) %>% collect()
# List of the corresponding basins
casestudy_basin <- dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "casestudy_basin")) %>% collect()
# Put them two together
cstd <- full_join(casestudy, casestudy_basin) %>% filter(publishable)

# Get the features for drawing the polygons on the map
qry <- "SELECT ST_Transform(diadesatlas.basin_outlet.simplified_geom, 4326) as geom, basin_id as basin_id FROM diadesatlas.basin_outlet"

# i then read as an sf object
pols <- sf::st_read(con, query = qry, geom = "geom") %>%
  filter(basin_id %in% casestudy_basin$basin_id) %>%
pols %>%
  geojson::as.geojson() %>%

# List of ecosystem services
ecosystems <- dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "ecosystem_service")) %>% collect()
ecosystems %>%
  filter(presence == 1) %>%
# Services
services <- dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "v_ecosystemic_services")) %>% collect()
services %>%
  distinct(category_id, subcategory_id, category_name, subcategory_name) %>%
    subcategory_id = gsub("99", "0", subcategory_id)
  ) %>%
    category_id, subcategory_id
  ) %>%
    subcategory_id = gsub("0", "99", subcategory_id)
  ) %>%

eco_and_services <- full_join(ecosystems, services)

# Species

species <- dplyr::tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("diadesatlas", "species")) %>% collect()
species %>%
  filter(species_id %in% ecosystems$species_id) %>%

Prepare and test leaflet map

# set query and reproject to EPSG:4326 for GeoJSON creation
# (the real query is more involved with a bounding box etc)
qry <- "SELECT ST_Transform(diadesatlas.basin_outlet.simplified_geom, 4326) as geom FROM diadesatlas.basin_outlet"

# i then read as an sf object
pols <- sf::st_read(con, query = qry, geom = "geom")

# and convert to GeoJSON
pols.js <- geojsonio::geojson_json(pols)
# pols %>% geojson::as.geojson() %>% geojson::geo_write("plop.json")

# options(readr.default_locale=readr::locale(tz="Europe/Berlin"))
# df60 <- get_eurostat_geospatial(resolution = 60)
# CE.sf <- df60 %>%
#   dplyr::filter(LEVL_CODE == 2 & CNTR_CODE %in% c("AT","CZ","DE","HU","PL","SK")) %>%
#   dplyr::select(NUTS_ID)


pols %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(color = "black", size = 0.4)

# CE = sf::as_Spatial(pols)

leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
  addPolygons(data = pols, color = "green")

Stop connection
