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# Sys.setenv("POSTGRES_USER" = "diadesatlas_owner")
# Sys.setenv("POSTGRES_PASS" = "thinkrpassword")
#> ℹ Loading diades.atlas
session <- shiny::MockShinySession$new() #new.env()
con <- get_con(session)



Liste des espèces

  session = session
#> # A tibble: 11 × 5
#>    species_id latin_name  english_name local_name active
#>         <int> <chr>       <chr>        <chr>      <lgl> 
#>  1          4 Acipenser … European st… ASturio    TRUE  
#>  2          6 Alosa alosa Allis shad   AAlosa     TRUE  
#>  3          8 Alosa fall… Twaite shad  AFallax    TRUE  
#>  4         13 Anguilla a… European eel AAnguilla  TRUE  
#>  5         18 Lampetra f… River lampr… LFluviati… TRUE  
#>  6         20 Osmerus ep… European sm… OEperlanus TRUE  
#>  7         21 Petromyzon… Sea lamprey  PMarinus   TRUE  
#>  8         22 Platichthy… European fl… PFlesus    TRUE  
#>  9         25 Salmo salar Atlantic sa… SSalar     TRUE  
#> 10         26 Salmo trut… Sea trout    STrutta    TRUE  
#> 11         19 Chelon ram… Thinlip gre… LRamada    TRUE

Conservation status

species <- get_active_species(
  session = session
for (i in species$species_id) {
#> ── 4 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 6 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 8 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 13 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 18 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 20 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 21 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 22 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 25 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 26 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered
#> ── 19 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>   species_id  latin_name simplified_name english_name
#> 1          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 2          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 3          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 4          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#> 5          6 Alosa alosa        A. alosa   Allis shad
#>   iucn_classification_code iucn_level_code
#> 1              IUCN_Europe              LC
#> 2                  IUCN_ES              LC
#> 3                  IUCN_FR              CR
#> 4                  IUCN_IE              DD
#> 5                  IUCN_PT              EN
#>         iucn_level_name
#> 1         Least Concern
#> 2         Least Concern
#> 3 Critically Endangered
#> 4        Data Deficient
#> 5            Endangered

Tmap code

dataCatchment <- dbReadTable(
) %>%
      ~abundance_level_id, ~abundance_interpretation,
      1, "Not recorded in the period",
      2, "Occasional vagrants",
      3, "Functional populations",
      4, "Abundant functional populations"
    ) %>%
      mutate(abundance_interpretation = factor(abundance_interpretation,
        levels = .$abundance_interpretation
    by = "abundance_level_id"

catchment_geom <- st_read(  
  query =   "SELECT * FROM diadesatlas.v_basin vb"
) %>%
  rmapshaper::ms_simplify() %>%

dataALL <- dbGetQuery(
  "SELECT * from diadesatlas.v_species_ices_occurence vsio "
) %>%
  # tibble() %>%
  mutate(nb_occurence = as.integer(nb_occurence))

ices_geom <- st_read(
  query = "SELECT * FROM diadesatlas.v_ices_geom;"
) %>%
  # st_transform("+proj=eqearth +wktext") %>%
  st_transform("+proj=wintri") %>%

dataContinent <- get_data_continent_m(
  session = session
  "Salmo trutta"
) %<-% generate_datasets(
#> ── generate_datasets ───────────────────────────────────
# options("golem.app.prod" = FALSE)
launch_mongo(session = session)
# NOTE: the species are passed with the latin name in the foreground.
# In the front of the app, the user will have to select an english/french name
  species_latin_name = "Salmo trutta",
  spatial_type = "rectangle",
  con = con,
  dataCatchment = dataCatchment,
  catchment_geom = catchment_geom,
  dataALL = dataALL,
  ices_geom = ices_geom,
  session = session
#> Some legend labels were too wide. These labels have been resized to 0.13. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.
#> Legend labels were too wide. The labels have been resized to 0.13, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.18. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.

  species_latin_name = "Salmo trutta",
  spatial_type = "division",
  con = con,
  dataCatchment = dataCatchment,
  catchment_geom = catchment_geom,
  dataALL = dataALL,
  ices_geom = ices_geom,
  session = session
#> Some legend labels were too wide. These labels have been resized to 0.13. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.
#> Legend labels were too wide. The labels have been resized to 0.13, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.18. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.

  species_latin_name = "Chelon ramada",
  spatial_type = "rectangle",
  con = con,
  dataCatchment = dataCatchment,
  catchment_geom = catchment_geom,
  dataALL = dataALL,
  ices_geom = ices_geom,
  session = session
#> Some legend labels were too wide. These labels have been resized to 0.13. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.
#> Legend labels were too wide. The labels have been resized to 0.13, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.18. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.

  species_latin_name = "Chelon ramada",
  spatial_type = "division",
  con = con,
  dataCatchment = dataCatchment,
  catchment_geom = catchment_geom,
  dataALL = dataALL,
  ices_geom = ices_geom,
  session = session
#> Some legend labels were too wide. These labels have been resized to 0.13. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.
#> Legend labels were too wide. The labels have been resized to 0.13, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.18. Increase legend.width (argument of tm_layout) to make the legend wider and therefore the labels larger.

Disconnect db
