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Sébastien Rochette
Welcome to DiadES Atlas
This is the home page of the Shiny application.
To close the welcome message, click on the top right “X”, or wherever
out of the rectangle

Select your language on the very top right menu of the application
Target the question mark (?) near the titles and boxes with your mouse
to get more information about the different sections.

Current distribution
The first page of the application shows the current presence of a chosen
species distribution.
Click on the “Choose a species” menu to select a specific species to
show. The map updates directly.
Click on the “Change map resolution” to show the distribution along ICES
rectangles instead of divisions
The conservation status on the right refers to the selected species

The map is interactive and can be zoomed in or out
Ecosystem services
This page is a synthesis of ecosystem services rendered by studied
The table is empty by default. The user needs to choose among
one or multiple species in the list
one or multiple case studies by clicking on the polygons of the map
one or multiple ecosystem services in the list
… to show the valuations associated.
Click on “Show results” to let the table appear

The display of the table can be changed with the button selector below
the table to show species as rows or colums

Effect of global warming
This page is to explore the simulations under global warming effect.
The user can choose
Click on “Show results” to see the model outputs

The outputs are:
On the left: A map of the catchment suitability index (NIT) for the
selected year
On the right: the simulation outputs for all years until 2100. The
vertical red line corresponds to the selected year and a specific study
area, hence the results on the map.
The user can chose to show another study area by clicking on the map.
The selected area is then green on the map, and the titles of the
figures change.

Effect of global change
The users can create their own simulations by defining custom indices
for “anthropogenic mortalities”.
Choose one species
Choose one of the climatic scenarii
Define anthropogenic mortalities for both period and the chosen
Click on “Run the simulation”

All years and study areas have been simulated for the selexted species.
The user can choose a year to show the results on the map
The user can select a specific area by clicking on the polygon on the
Titles of the outputs are modified according to user choice