Convert list provided by the APIs into a tibble




a list provided by the API (See doApiQuery)


A tibble::tibble with one row by record and one column by field.


This function is used internally by all the retrieving data functions for converting data after the call to doApiQuery.


# To get the available APIs in the package
#>  [1] "prelevements"         "indicateurs_services" "hydrometrie"         
#>  [4] "niveaux_nappes"       "poisson"              "ecoulement"          
#>  [7] "hydrobio"             "temperature"          "qualite_eau_potable" 
#> [10] "qualite_nappes"       "qualite_rivieres"    

# To get the available endpoints in an API
#> [1] "chroniques"         "ouvrages"           "points_prelevement"

# To get available parameters in endpoint "chroniques" of the API "prelevements"
list_params(api = "prelevements", endpoint = "chroniques")
#>  [1] "annee"                      "bbox"                      
#>  [3] "code_commune_insee"         "code_departement"          
#>  [5] "code_mode_obtention_volume" "code_ouvrage"              
#>  [7] "code_qualification_volume"  "code_statut_instruction"   
#>  [9] "code_statut_volume"         "code_usage"                
#> [11] "distance"                   "fields"                    
#> [13] "format"                     "latitude"                  
#> [15] "libelle_departement"        "longitude"                 
#> [17] "nom_commune"                "page"                      
#> [19] "prelevement_ecrasant"       "producteur_donnee"         
#> [21] "size"                       "sort"                      
#> [23] "volume_max"                 "volume_min"                

# To query the endpoint "chroniques" of the API "prelevements"
# on all devices in the commune of Romilly-sur-Seine in 2018
# \dontrun{
resp <- doApiQuery(api = "prelevements",
                   endpoint = "chroniques",
                   code_commune_insee = "10323",
                   annee = "2018")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 28
#>   code_ouvrage  annee volume code_usage libelle_usage         code_statut_volume
#>   <chr>         <int>  <dbl> <chr>      <chr>                 <chr>             
#> 1 OPR0000032603  2018 402384 AEP        EAU POTABLE           1                 
#> 2 OPR0000032604  2018 402384 AEP        EAU POTABLE           1                 
#> 3 OPR0000040119  2018  25174 IND        INDUSTRIE et ACTIVIT… 1                 
#> 4 OPR0000040120  2018  27242 IND        INDUSTRIE et ACTIVIT… 1                 
#> 5 OPR0000199638  2018  30588 IRR        IRRIGATION            1                 
#> 6 OPR0000333915  2018 305611 IND        INDUSTRIE et ACTIVIT… 1                 
#> 7 OPR0000608675  2018   5470 IND        INDUSTRIE et ACTIVIT… 1                 
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: libelle_statut_volume <chr>,
#> #   code_qualification_volume <chr>, libelle_qualification_volume <chr>,
#> #   code_statut_instruction <chr>, libelle_statut_instruction <chr>,
#> #   code_mode_obtention_volume <chr>, libelle_mode_obtention_volume <chr>,
#> #   prelevement_ecrasant <lgl>, producteur_donnee <chr>, longitude <dbl>,
#> #   latitude <dbl>, code_commune_insee <chr>, nom_commune <chr>,
#> #   code_departement <chr>, libelle_departement <chr>, nom_ouvrage <chr>, …
# }