Available endpoints are:
retrieves hydrometric elaborate observations (daily/monthly mean flow)
retrieves hydrometric "real time" observations ()
retrieves hydrometric sites
retrieves hydrometric stations
See the API documentation of each endpoint for available filter parameters: https://hubeau.eaufrance.fr/page/api-hydrometrie
get_hydrometrie_observations_tr(..., entities = "station")
get_hydrometrie_sites(..., unique_site = TRUE)
get_hydrometrie_stations(..., code_sandre_reseau_station = FALSE)
parameters of the queries and their values in the format
Param1_Name = "Param1 value", Param2_Name = "Param2 value"
, use the
function list_params for a list of the available filter parameters
for a given API endpoint and see the API documentation for their description
1-length character string filtering the rows of the returned value, possible values are: "station" for filtering on station rows, "site" for filtering on site rows, "both" for keeping all the rows
optional logical, if set to FALSE
sites with several different locations produce one row by different location otherwise the first location found is used for fields code_commune_site
, libelle_commune
, code_departement
, code_region
, libelle_region
, libelle_departement
optional logical indicating
if code_sandre_reseau_station
field is included in the result;
if so, one line is added by item and other fields are repeated
A tibble::tibble with one row by record and one column by field.
# \dontrun{
# Retrieve the hydrometric sites in the department of Aube
get_hydrometrie_sites(code_departement = "10")
#> Warning: The site 'H0203020' has 2 different locations, only the first one is returned
#> # A tibble: 27 × 39
#> code_site libelle_site type_site coordonnee_x_site coordonnee_y_site
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 F3550001 La Vanne à Paisy-Cos… REEL 752416 6793820
#> 2 H0100020 La Seine à Plaines-S… REEL 810441 6767194
#> 3 H0203020 La Laignes aux Ricey… REEL 801571 6763252
#> 4 H0210010 La Seine à Polisy REEL 802885 6774610
#> 5 H0321040 L'Ource à Celles-sur… REEL 804893 6776215
#> 6 H0400010 La Seine à Bar-sur-S… REEL 802511 6780502
#> 7 H0400020 La Seine à Courtenot REEL 798933 6783584
#> 8 H0413010 La Sarce à Virey-sou… REEL 796857 6783149
#> 9 H0503010 L'Hozain à Buchères … REEL 782364 6794544
#> 10 H0702010 La Barse à Montiéram… REEL 795978 6793759
#> # ℹ 17 more rows
#> # ℹ 34 more variables: code_projection <int>, longitude_site <dbl>,
#> # latitude_site <dbl>, altitude_site <dbl>, code_systeme_alti_site <int>,
#> # surface_bv <dbl>, statut_site <int>, premier_mois_etiage_site <int>,
#> # premier_mois_annee_hydro_site <int>, influence_generale_site <int>,
#> # code_entite_hydro_site <chr>, code_troncon_hydro_site <chr>,
#> # code_commune_site <chr>, code_zone_hydro_site <chr>, …
# The same operation returning 2 rows for the site 'H0203020' which has 2 different locations
get_hydrometrie_sites(code_departement = "10", unique_site = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 28 × 39
#> code_site libelle_site type_site coordonnee_x_site coordonnee_y_site
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 F3550001 La Vanne à Paisy-Cos… REEL 752416 6793820
#> 2 H0100020 La Seine à Plaines-S… REEL 810441 6767194
#> 3 H0203020 La Laignes aux Ricey… REEL 801571 6763252
#> 4 H0203020 La Laignes aux Ricey… REEL 801571 6763252
#> 5 H0210010 La Seine à Polisy REEL 802885 6774610
#> 6 H0321040 L'Ource à Celles-sur… REEL 804893 6776215
#> 7 H0400010 La Seine à Bar-sur-S… REEL 802511 6780502
#> 8 H0400020 La Seine à Courtenot REEL 798933 6783584
#> 9 H0413010 La Sarce à Virey-sou… REEL 796857 6783149
#> 10 H0503010 L'Hozain à Buchères … REEL 782364 6794544
#> # ℹ 18 more rows
#> # ℹ 34 more variables: code_projection <int>, longitude_site <dbl>,
#> # latitude_site <dbl>, altitude_site <dbl>, code_systeme_alti_site <int>,
#> # surface_bv <dbl>, statut_site <int>, premier_mois_etiage_site <int>,
#> # premier_mois_annee_hydro_site <int>, influence_generale_site <int>,
#> # code_entite_hydro_site <chr>, code_troncon_hydro_site <chr>,
#> # code_commune_site <chr>, code_zone_hydro_site <chr>, …
# Retrieve the hydrometric stations in the department of Aube
get_hydrometrie_stations(code_departement = "10")
#> # A tibble: 33 × 42
#> code_site libelle_site code_station libelle_station type_station
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 F1280001 La Voire à Bétignicourt F128000101 La Voire à Bét… DEB
#> 2 F2110001 La Seine au Mériot F211000101 La Seine au Mé… LIMNI
#> 3 F2110001 La Seine au Mériot F211000102 La Seine au Mé… LIMNI
#> 4 F3550001 La Vanne à Paisy-Cosdon F355000101 La Vanne à Pai… LIMNI
#> 5 H0100020 La Seine à Plaines-Saint… H010002001 La Seine à Pla… LIMNI
#> 6 H0203020 La Laignes aux Riceys et… H020302002 La Laignes aux… LIMNI
#> 7 H0210010 La Seine à Polisy H021001001 La Seine à Pol… LIMNI
#> 8 H0321040 L'Ource à Celles-sur-Our… H032104001 L'Ource à Cell… LIMNI
#> 9 H0400010 La Seine à Bar-sur-Seine H040001001 La Seine à Bar… LIMNI
#> 10 H0400020 La Seine à Courtenot H040002001 La Seine à Cou… LIMNI
#> # ℹ 23 more rows
#> # ℹ 37 more variables: coordonnee_x_station <dbl>, coordonnee_y_station <dbl>,
#> # code_projection <int>, longitude_station <dbl>, latitude_station <dbl>,
#> # influence_locale_station <int>, commentaire_station <chr>,
#> # altitude_ref_alti_station <dbl>, code_systeme_alti_site <int>,
#> # code_commune_station <chr>, libelle_commune <chr>, code_departement <chr>,
#> # code_region <chr>, libelle_region <chr>, code_cours_eau <chr>, …
# Which parameters are available for endpoint "obs_elab" of API "hydrometrie"?
list_params("hydrometrie", "obs_elab")
#> [1] "bbox" "code_entite" "cursor"
#> [4] "date_debut_obs_elab" "date_fin_obs_elab" "distance"
#> [7] "fields" "grandeur_hydro_elab" "latitude"
#> [10] "longitude" "resultat_max" "resultat_min"
#> [13] "size"
# Retrieve the hydrometric monthly mean flow at site 'H0203020'
get_hydrometrie_obs_elab(code_entite = "H0203020", grandeur_hydro_elab = "QmM")
#> # A tibble: 676 × 14
#> code_site code_station date_obs_elab resultat_obs_elab date_prod code_statut
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <int>
#> 1 H0203020 H020302001 1968-02-01 6246 2021-09-1… 16
#> 2 H0203020 H020302001 1968-03-01 3578 2021-09-1… 16
#> 3 H0203020 H020302001 1968-04-01 1993 2021-09-1… 16
#> 4 H0203020 H020302001 1968-05-01 4934 2021-09-1… 16
#> 5 H0203020 H020302001 1968-06-01 1610 2021-09-1… 16
#> 6 H0203020 H020302001 1968-07-01 1022 2021-09-1… 16
#> 7 H0203020 H020302001 1968-08-01 1040 2021-09-1… 16
#> 8 H0203020 H020302001 1968-09-01 3451 2021-09-1… 16
#> 9 H0203020 H020302001 1968-10-01 4242 2021-09-1… 16
#> 10 H0203020 H020302001 1968-11-01 2675 2021-09-1… 16
#> # ℹ 666 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: libelle_statut <chr>, code_methode <int>,
#> # libelle_methode <chr>, code_qualification <int>,
#> # libelle_qualification <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>,
#> # grandeur_hydro_elab <chr>
# Retrieve the hydrometric daily mean flow at site 'H0203020' of the last 30 days
get_hydrometrie_obs_elab(code_entite = "H0203020",
date_debut_obs_elab = format(Sys.Date() -30, "%Y-%m-%d"),
grandeur_hydro_elab = "QmJ")
#> # A tibble: 28 × 14
#> code_site code_station date_obs_elab resultat_obs_elab date_prod code_statut
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <int>
#> 1 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-14 6385 2024-12-1… 4
#> 2 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-15 5760 2024-12-1… 4
#> 3 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-16 5157 2024-12-1… 4
#> 4 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-17 4674 2024-12-1… 4
#> 5 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-18 4248 2024-12-1… 4
#> 6 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-19 4169 2024-12-2… 4
#> 7 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-20 4186 2024-12-2… 4
#> 8 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-21 3847 2024-12-2… 4
#> 9 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-22 5248 2024-12-2… 4
#> 10 H0203020 H020302002 2024-12-23 7532 2024-12-2… 4
#> # ℹ 18 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: libelle_statut <chr>, code_methode <int>,
#> # libelle_methode <chr>, code_qualification <int>,
#> # libelle_qualification <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>,
#> # grandeur_hydro_elab <chr>
# }