The available endpoints are:

  • get_niveaux_nappes_stations retrieves list of piezometric stations

  • get_nappes_chroniques retrieves piezometric archived time series

  • get_nappes_chroniques_tr retrieves piezometric "real time" data

See the API documentation for available filter parameters:






parameters of the queries and their values in the format Param1_Name = "Param1 value", Param2_Name = "Param2 value", use the function list_params for a list of the available filter parameters for a given API endpoint and see the API documentation for their description


A tibble::tibble with one row by record and one column by field.


# \dontrun{
# Retrieve the hydrometric stations in the department of Aube
get_niveaux_nappes_stations(code_departement = "10")
#> # A tibble: 724 × 36
#>    code_bss        urn_bss  date_debut_mesure date_fin_mesure code_commune_insee
#>    <chr>           <chr>    <chr>             <chr>           <chr>             
#>  1 03001X0160/T200 http://… 1986-01-30        1986-12-03      10411             
#>  2 03001X0183/T300 http://… 1986-03-18        1986-12-03      10411             
#>  3 02994X0141/T110 http://… 1985-07-31        1986-12-22      10372             
#>  4 02994X0209/T210 http://… 1986-01-08        1986-12-16      10139             
#>  5 03001X0188/T310 http://… 1986-03-19        1986-12-22      10372             
#>  6 02994X0325/D410 http://… 1986-03-03        1986-12-22      10372             
#>  7 03001X0073/D10  http://… 1985-04-12        1986-04-16      10372             
#>  8 02623X0022/S10  http://… 1977-12-12        1991-12-30      10354             
#>  9 03001X0137/T120 http://… 1985-07-31        1986-11-14      10411             
#> 10 02994X0219/T220 http://… 1986-01-09        1986-12-22      10372             
#> # ℹ 714 more rows
#> # ℹ 31 more variables: nom_commune <chr>, x <dbl>, y <dbl>, codes_bdlisa <chr>,
#> #   urns_bdlisa <chr>, geometry.type <chr>, <chr>,
#> # <chr>, geometry.coordinates1 <dbl>,
#> #   geometry.coordinates2 <dbl>, bss_id <chr>, altitude_station <chr>,
#> #   nb_mesures_piezo <int>, code_departement <chr>, nom_departement <chr>,
#> #   libelle_pe <chr>, profondeur_investigation <dbl>, …

# Retrieve the archived observed piezometric level at station '07548X0009/F' (old BSS identifier)
# for the year 2020
df <- get_niveaux_nappes_chroniques(code_bss = "07548X0009/F",
                                      date_debut_mesure = "2020-01-01",
                                      date_fin_mesure = "2020-12-31")

# Plot the water elevation (NGF)
plot(as.POSIXct(df$date_mesure), df$niveau_nappe_eau, type = "l")

# For retrieving the last real time observed piezometric level
# at station 'BSS001VZGZ' (new BSS identifier)
df <- get_niveaux_nappes_chroniques_tr(bss_id = "BSS001VZGZ")

# Plot the water elevation (NGF)
plot(as.POSIXct(df$date_mesure), df$niveau_eau_ngf, type = "l")

# }