The data originate from the "ADES" database (https://ades.eaufrance.fr/). Available endpoints are:
retrieves measuring stations for groundwater quality
retrieves the result analysis of quality measurement
See the API documentation for available filter parameters: https://hubeau.eaufrance.fr/page/api-qualite-nappes
parameters of the queries and their values in the format
Param1_Name = "Param1 value", Param2_Name = "Param2 value"
, use the
function list_params for a list of the available filter parameters
for a given API endpoint and see the API documentation for their description
A tibble::tibble with one row by record and one column by field.
# \dontrun{
# List of available filter parameters on 'get_qualite_nappes_stations'
list_params("qualite_nappes", "stations")
#> [1] "bassin_dce"
#> [2] "bbox"
#> [3] "bss_id"
#> [4] "circonscription_administrative_bassin"
#> [5] "code_commune"
#> [6] "code_entite_hg_bdlisa"
#> [7] "code_masse_eau_edl"
#> [8] "code_masse_eau_rap"
#> [9] "date_max_maj"
#> [10] "date_min_maj"
#> [11] "fields"
#> [12] "format"
#> [13] "nom_entite_hg_bdlisa"
#> [14] "nom_masse_eau_edl"
#> [15] "nom_masse_eau_rap"
#> [16] "nom_region"
#> [17] "nom_reseau"
#> [18] "num_departement"
#> [19] "page"
#> [20] "prof_invest_max"
#> [21] "prof_invest_min"
#> [22] "size"
#> [23] "srid"
# List of stations available in Hérault department
get_qualite_nappes_stations(code_commune = 34116)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 59
#> bss_id code_bss urn_bss date_debut_mesure date_fin_mesure
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 BSS002GNSA 09903X0125/SEC http://service… 2000-03-14 2023-10-16
#> 2 BSS002GNNH 09903X0029/S http://service… NA NA
#> 3 BSS002GNQP 09903X0084/SOURCE http://service… 1996-12-17 2023-05-26
#> 4 BSS002GPFT 09906X0162/SEC http://service… NA NA
#> 5 BSS002GNRW 09903X0121/MNTLET http://service… NA NA
#> 6 BSS002GNQZ 09903X0094/F2GRAB http://service… 1996-12-17 2022-09-02
#> # ℹ 54 more variables: precision_coordonnees <lgl>, longitude <dbl>,
#> # latitude <dbl>, altitude <chr>, code_insee <chr>, nom_commune <chr>,
#> # num_departement <chr>, nom_departement <chr>, nom_region <chr>,
#> # circonscriptions_administrative_bassin <chr>, bassin_dce <chr>,
#> # urn_bassin_dce <chr>, code_nature_pe <int>, nom_nature_pe <chr>,
#> # uri_nature_pe <chr>, libelle_pe <chr>, code_caracteristique_aquifere <chr>,
#> # nom_caracteristique_aquifere <chr>, uri_caracteristique_aquifere <chr>, …
# List of available filter parameters on 'get_qualite_nappes_analyses'
list_params("qualite_nappes", "analyses")
#> [1] "bbox"
#> [2] "bss_id"
#> [3] "code_bassin_dce"
#> [4] "code_circonscription_administrative_bassin"
#> [5] "code_entite_hg_bdlisa"
#> [6] "code_fraction"
#> [7] "code_groupe_parametre"
#> [8] "code_insee_actuel"
#> [9] "code_lieu_analyse"
#> [10] "code_masse_eau_edl"
#> [11] "code_masse_eau_rap"
#> [12] "code_methode"
#> [13] "code_param"
#> [14] "code_producteur"
#> [15] "code_qualification"
#> [16] "code_region"
#> [17] "code_remarque_analyse"
#> [18] "code_reseau"
#> [19] "code_statut_analyse"
#> [20] "code_type_point_eau"
#> [21] "code_type_qualito"
#> [22] "code_unite"
#> [23] "date_debut_prelevement"
#> [24] "date_fin_prelevement"
#> [25] "date_max_maj"
#> [26] "date_min_maj"
#> [27] "fields"
#> [28] "nom_bassin_dce"
#> [29] "nom_circonscription_administrative_bassin"
#> [30] "nom_commune_actuel"
#> [31] "nom_departement"
#> [32] "nom_entite_hg_bdlisa"
#> [33] "nom_fraction"
#> [34] "nom_groupe_parametre"
#> [35] "nom_lieu_analyse"
#> [36] "nom_masse_eau_edl"
#> [37] "nom_masse_eau_rap"
#> [38] "nom_methode"
#> [39] "nom_qualification"
#> [40] "nom_region"
#> [41] "nom_remarque_analyse"
#> [42] "nom_reseau"
#> [43] "nom_statut_analyse"
#> [44] "nom_type_point_eau"
#> [45] "nom_type_qualito"
#> [46] "nom_unite"
#> [47] "num_departement"
#> [48] "page"
#> [49] "resultat_max"
#> [50] "resultat_min"
#> [51] "size"
#> [52] "sort"
# Get results of analysis realised at Grabels in 2019
get_qualite_nappes_analyses(bss_id = "BSS002GNSA",
date_debut_prelevement = "2019-11-12")
#> # A tibble: 862 × 180
#> bss_id code_bss urn_bss precision_coordonnees longitude latitude altitude
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 2 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 3 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 4 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 5 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 6 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 7 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 8 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 9 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> 10 BSS002GNSA 09903X0… http:/… NA 3.80 43.7 104.0
#> # ℹ 852 more rows
#> # ℹ 173 more variables: code_insee_actuel <chr>, nom_commune_actuel <chr>,
#> # num_departement <chr>, nom_departement <chr>, code_region <chr>,
#> # nom_region <chr>, code_circonscription_administrative_bassin <chr>,
#> # nom_circonscription_administrative_bassin <chr>, code_bassin_dce <chr>,
#> # nom_bassin_dce <chr>, urn_bassin_dce <chr>, code_type_point_eau <int>,
#> # nom_type_point_eau <chr>, codes_entite_hg_bdlisa <chr>, …
# }