The "Quality of rivers" API data comes from the Naïades database. Available for the whole of France (including the French overseas departments and territories), they relate to the results of measurements of the physico-chemical quality of rivers and water bodies transmitted by the Water Agencies.

Available endpoints are:

  • get_qualite_rivieres_station retrieves physico-chemical measuring stations

  • get_qualite_rivieres_operation retrieves physico-chemical operations

  • get_qualite_rivieres_analyse retrieves physico-chemical analyses

  • get_qualite_rivieres_condition_environnementale retrieves physico-chemical environmental conditions for analyses (please note that pagination is based on the number of analyses)

See the API documentation for available filter parameters:











parameters of the queries and their values in the format Param1_Name = "Param1 value", Param2_Name = "Param2 value", use the function list_params for a list of the available filter parameters for a given API endpoint and see the API documentation for their description


A tibble::tibble with one row by record and one column by field.


Endpoints ending by _pc are aliases of the functions without the suffix _pc.


# \dontrun{
# Tutorial provided by

# List of stations in Longuyon
#> # A tibble: 2 × 48
#>   code_station libelle_station      uri_station durete coordonnee_x coordonnee_y
#>   <chr>        <chr>                <chr>       <lgl>         <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUY… https://id… NA           890006      6930024
#> 2 02115796     L'OTHAIN À SAINT-JE… https://id… NA           880332      6930499
#> # ℹ 42 more variables: code_projection <chr>, libelle_projection <chr>,
#> #   longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>, code_commune <chr>, libelle_commune <chr>,
#> #   code_departement <chr>, libelle_departement <chr>, code_region <chr>,
#> #   libelle_region <chr>, code_cours_eau <chr>, nom_cours_eau <chr>,
#> #   uri_cours_eau <chr>, code_masse_deau <chr>, code_eu_masse_deau <chr>,
#> #   nom_masse_deau <chr>, uri_masse_deau <chr>, code_eu_sous_bassin <chr>,
#> #   nom_sous_bassin <chr>, code_bassin <chr>, code_eu_bassin <chr>, …
# ... with field selection
  libelle_commune = "Longuyon",
  fields = c("code_station",
#> # A tibble: 2 × 7
#>   code_station libelle_station       code_commune libelle_commune code_cours_eau
#>   <chr>        <chr>                 <chr>        <chr>           <chr>         
#> 1 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 54322        Longuyon        B41-0200      
#> 2 02115796     L'OTHAIN À SAINT-JEA… 54476        Saint-Jean-lès… NA            
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: nom_cours_eau <chr>, localisation_precise <chr>

# Query results of nitrate analyses at the station since 2013
  code_station = "02115725",
  libelle_parametre = "Nitrates",
  date_debut_prelevement = "2013-01-01",
  code_qualification = 1,
  fields = c("code_station",
#> # A tibble: 112 × 13
#>    code_station libelle_station       date_prelevement code_parametre
#>    <chr>        <chr>                 <chr>            <chr>         
#>  1 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-01-22       1340          
#>  2 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-02-19       1340          
#>  3 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-03-19       1340          
#>  4 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-04-16       1340          
#>  5 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-05-14       1340          
#>  6 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-06-11       1340          
#>  7 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-07-09       1340          
#>  8 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-08-06       1340          
#>  9 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-09-03       1340          
#> 10 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2013-10-02       1340          
#> # ℹ 102 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: libelle_parametre <chr>, resultat <dbl>,
#> #   symbole_unite <chr>, code_remarque <chr>, mnemo_remarque <chr>,
#> #   code_statut <chr>, mnemo_statut <chr>, code_qualification <chr>,
#> #   libelle_qualification <chr>

# dates sorted from most recent to oldest
  code_station = "02115725",
  libelle_parametre = "Nitrates",
  date_debut_prelevement = "2013-01-01",
  code_qualification = 1,
  fields = c("code_station",
 sort = "desc"
#> # A tibble: 112 × 13
#>    code_station libelle_station       date_prelevement code_parametre
#>    <chr>        <chr>                 <chr>            <chr>         
#>  1 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-12-23       1340          
#>  2 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-11-29       1340          
#>  3 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-11-03       1340          
#>  4 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-10-04       1340          
#>  5 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-09-06       1340          
#>  6 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-08-09       1340          
#>  7 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-07-12       1340          
#>  8 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-06-14       1340          
#>  9 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-05-17       1340          
#> 10 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON 2022-01-25       1340          
#> # ℹ 102 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: libelle_parametre <chr>, resultat <dbl>,
#> #   symbole_unite <chr>, code_remarque <chr>, mnemo_remarque <chr>,
#> #   code_statut <chr>, mnemo_statut <chr>, code_qualification <chr>,
#> #   libelle_qualification <chr>

# Nitrate analysis results since 1 August 2016 for 5 stations
  code_station = c("02115725",
  libelle_parametre = "Nitrates",
  date_debut_prelevement = "2016-08-01",
  code_qualification = 1,
  fields = c("code_station",
 sort = "desc"
#> # A tibble: 218 × 7
#>    code_station libelle_station      date_prelevement libelle_parametre resultat
#>    <chr>        <chr>                <chr>            <chr>                <dbl>
#>  1 02115650     LA CHIERS À CONS-LA… 2022-12-23       Nitrates                16
#>  2 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUY… 2022-12-23       Nitrates                35
#>  3 02115685     LE RUISSEAU DE NANH… 2022-12-23       Nitrates                35
#>  4 02115685     LE RUISSEAU DE NANH… 2022-11-29       Nitrates                25
#>  5 02115650     LA CHIERS À CONS-LA… 2022-11-29       Nitrates                16
#>  6 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUY… 2022-11-29       Nitrates                25
#>  7 02115650     LA CHIERS À CONS-LA… 2022-11-03       Nitrates                15
#>  8 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUY… 2022-11-03       Nitrates                15
#>  9 02115685     LE RUISSEAU DE NANH… 2022-11-03       Nitrates                12
#> 10 02115685     LE RUISSEAU DE NANH… 2022-10-04       Nitrates                14
#> # ℹ 208 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: symbole_unite <chr>, code_remarque <chr>

# Geographical search by distance
get_qualite_rivieres_station(longitude = 5.62,
                             latitude = 49.44,
                             distance = 8,
                             fields = c("code_station", "libelle_station"))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   code_station libelle_station                               
#>   <chr>        <chr>                                         
#> 1 02115650     LA CHIERS À CONS-LA-GRANDVILLE                
#> 2 02115685     LE RUISSEAU DE NANHEUL À PIERREPONT           
#> 3 02115700     LA CRUSNES À PIERREPONT                       
#> 5 02115725     LA CRUSNES À LONGUYON                         

# }